Nana Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana
Even TRUMP hates homosexuals but my President loves them
God in his own wisdom created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve.
Genesis Chapter 2:20-23 talked about how God himself realized the loneliness of Adam and decided in His own wisdom to give Eve to him as a companion and a partner for procreation so that they both [ads1]can fulfill His command of procreating to fill the earth.
The bible demonstrated how God himself frown on homosexual act and decided to burn into ashes Sodom and Gomorrah because of this very homosexual interest our President is pursuing.
A biblical principle we have upheld since the days of Adam as an anti gay nation.
The pressures from the western world of denying us aid could not make President Mills bow to legalising homosexuality in Ghana.
I remember President Mills organized an emergency press conference with anger to warn the UK and the western world to clearly stay away from Ghana with their aid and homosexual infections.
President Mahama during his days in office was also confronted with same pressures but also stood by the principles of His former boss and prevented even a national debate on it.
Nana Williams Akuffo Addo last week used my tax I paid to the state and traveled to the UK to meet Theresa May, the Prime Minister of UK and afterwards called Aljazeera to grant an interview to tell the whole world that he is considering legalising homosexuality in Ghana against the wish of the good people of Ghana who voted for him.
Where I got shocked was when he said there was no such thing in UK when he was schooling there but later when the people demanded for it their wish was granted and homosexual was legalised in the UK.
So if the people of Ghana demand for it he will wholeheartedly with the powers vested in Him as the President grant the desires of the people who will demand for it.
Meaning our President has now given greenlight for the debate and the rise of groups to demand for rights for homosexuals which will be financially sponsored by the western world to enable our president perform his ultimate assignment which he has been asked by Jon Benjamin to fulfill as President, the reason they supported him to become President.
No wonder the UK ambassador to Ghana Jon Benjamin was campaigning for Nana Addo and the Npp in the 2016 election.
I now understand why my president stood in Parliament and told the good people of Ghana he was in hurry. Yes he was indeed in hurry to fulfill the wishes of his maters in United Kingdom.
The interview wasn’t a live broadcast, it was recorded and edited by both Aljazeera and My President’s team led by Gabby Okyere Darko before it was aired.
So if it was even a mistake Nana Addo made, that portion would’ve been edited and taken out.
So this clearly shows that the President wasn’t under duress to make those unfortunate statements in support of the legalizing homosexual in Ghana but it was something that he had plan, discussed with his cabinet and his masters in the UK to make happen so that they can also in return provide money to fund his Free SHS which is at the verge of collapse.
I am attempted to believe that it was one of his topmost reasons why My President was fighting and struggling all these years to be President supported by the UK and Jon Benjamin.
Those who know the weight of the words of a President will know that the statement our President made is not to be taken as a child’s play.
The President really meant every single word he said and Ghana as a country must rise against the President’s agenda to fulfill the wish of his masters by turning Ghana into a nation of homosexuals.
No wonder after his comments, Theresa May and other Gay activists have come out to applaud him for his bold stand to give rights to those whose rights they say have been infringed upon all these years in Ghana. And and asked other African countries to emulate the stand of our President.
Even the association of the gays and lesbians in Ghana have come out with a press release thanking His Excellency the President and have stated clearly that they will soon start working on demanding for their rights which is inline with what the President said and also been the first step of the process of the legalising Nana’s homosexual in Ghana.
What did the people of Ghana do wrong by voting for the Nana Addo upon his request for Ghanaians to try him as a President?
No wonder he made it known to us at his meet the press that he wouldn’t contest again for the Presidency in 2020 after fulfilling the desires of his masters, knowing very well that Ghanaians wouldn’t vote for him again.
Nana Addo should know that Ghana is a religious state made up of Christians, Muslims and the traditionalists (NOGOKPO) and all these religious groups will come together and resist his diabolic homosexual agenda.
I believe now Ghanaians now know the kind of people they have voted for.
In my usual trotro today, what Ghanaians are wishing for is 2020 so that they can vote their problems out.
Every Ghanaian is now disappointed and wish for an immediate change.
That’s why NDC as a party need to put their house in order devoid of personal sentiments to save Ghana from the wrath of God.
Let’s burry our differences, work with a united voice to liberate Ghana from the hands of the this homosexual government.
2020 is Possible but it’s just a matter of time Comrades.
Efo Worlanyo TSEKPO
B/A Regional Youth Organizer Hopeful.