Is Ghana Free From Uncivilized Practices? Part 2
Civilization is a human society with its own social organization and culture. Also, it is the state of having an advance level of social organization and comfortable way of life.
Uncivilized practices are practices that are crude, barbarous, wild, uncultured, or behaviours, deemed savage or inappropriate.
Most Ghanaians practice these acts at their various workplaces such as, hospitals, schools, hoes, etc. Some of these practices are, taking money [ads1]before doing what is expected of him or her, mishandling of state property.
As a religious country, at least we should see the Christian like behavior. This is rather the opposite. In this article, I am concerned with the sanitation issues on the topic “uncivilized practices in Ghana”.
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. It seems this phrase has vanished from a Ghanaian. Almost ninety percent (90%) of Ghanaians have lost the value of this phrase. Sometimes I wonder if Ghanaians really read their Bible. If they do then, the pastors have a very big problem to tackle. In fact if you ask me, I will say that, the clergy is not performing at all. The reason is, ninety percent (90%) of the Ghanaians go to church but ninety percent (90%) of the country is very dirty. I ask myself that, what is the clergy is preaching about in their churches?
As at 21st century, Ghanaians still thinks that, government should sweep their house and homes for them. A Ghanaian will sweep from his or her home and drop it by the roadside. They do this, because the country has employed Zoom lion workers. The funniest aspects are that, chlorella outbreak doesn’t even affect Zoom Lion workers. So whom do we think we are doing? Is it the government or we? If you get the opportunity to ask them why, they will say the government should punish the offenders.
This act is very in – human. Putting refuse in gutters and running waters. This is totally uncivilized act. How can you dress from the house and pass through dirty environment to work. Calling yourself a gentleman or a lady. What is gentlemanly or ladylike in this? One of the most popular town in Ghana, Kasoa, in the central region, get to their market (new) pack refuse at the middle of the market. They
still market around it. These market women think they are Christians. Who told you that, if you sell in filth God will bless you? Ghanaians change.
Open defecation is another problem that Ghanaians overlook. This has stopped their blessings from God. People defecate anywhere they fell like – along the beaches, roadsides, bushes and many more. In my case defecations is not my problem but where it is done. If you enter some rural and urban communities, check their bushes. I know some rural and urban communities, check their bushes. I know some rural communities in the Upper West Akim District, Akim Krodua and Akim Nyanoa, they have public toilets but don’t use it. Rather, defecation bushes and a long roadside. Akim Nyanoa case is very serious, they have water closet (WC) toilet and have been deficating in the bushes. I always get angry when they accused the government. This is the rural areas, what of the urban cities: You will be very sad to see how the capital city smells. No proper toilet facilities and properly taken care of. These people are there blaming the government.
Long live Ghana!
Long live the writer!