Nursing Training Admission List For 2020/2021 Is Out.

Kofi Tamakloe
1 Min Read
This is a complete guide on how to check the Ghana School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Training College Admission List and admission letter for the 2020/2021 academic year. According to the Nursing Training College 2020/2021 admission calendar, qualified applicants will start receiving text messages from Tuesday, 24th of November, 2020. Thereafter you are to proceed to pay your fees or part payment of your admission fee to the account number that will be provided in the text message in order to confirm acceptance of admission.

How to Check Nursing Training Admission List

Applicants can log onto their admission portal to check their Nurses Training Admission status.

To access your admission status on the portal, follow the procedures below:

Congratulations if your name is among the successful candidates in the admission list of Nursing Training College.

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