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Farmers ready massive demo to protest ‘galamsey’ practices

farmers to stage demo over galamsey

The Chamber of Agribusiness has expressed disappointment with President Nana Akufo-Addo regarding his approach to tackling illegal mining, commonly known as ‘galamsey.’

According to Anthony Morrison, the Chief Executive Officer of the group, the President has failed to adequately protect the lives of Ghanaians, which he emphasized is a primary responsibility of a country’s leader.

Speaking on Citinews, Mr. Morrison said “we have lost trust in him [President Nana Akufo-Addo] as a result of the fact that he is not protecting the livelihood of over 57% of the rural population that is directly involved in agriculture and we are talking about 17 million people”.

He further explained that “people’s investments have gone down the drain as a result of activities of illegal mining and galamsey actors. It is a call that we are working on this week.”

Mr. Morrison added that they “intend to follow up with a press release and, after that, follow it up with a demonstration among the farmer front and agribusiness front. We are losing quite a lot”.

He suggested that “There can be an immediate stop to the issues of galamsey because there are a lot of people whose prospective investors are on the ice as a result of galamsey going on in identified zones where they ought to be doing their investment”.

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