Ghana’s democracy should be pro-poor. You build the road so that you can drive your V8 , you build the road so that you can drive your Lexus, etc. The common masses , the poor needed just simple footbridges so that they too can cross the road keke, to go and buy and sell their tomatoes, onion, pepper so that they will get money and for their children to access the Day School, West Africa Secondary School, [ads1]Madina SHS, keke …look at what you are now doing. Chasing them with, life-threatening gadgets?
The last time I checked, one pays more directly tax to the state every year. What is the cost of a footbridge when even the pillars are already in place?
How do we value human life ?
And what is the cost of losing a life to the family, the community/ society and to the state as a whole?
We stand guilty before God and the people we lead !
How can we bury 194 lives due to shear negligence, uncompassionate, lack of brotherly feelings for the majority of people? Avoidable deaths, where are the thinkers in a democracy?
We have reduced our democracy which is about providing and meeting the social needs of the people to mere talking without action.
We have political actors who run shifts on the media landscape talking morning, afternoon and evening but no action !
Why are we doing this to our beloved Ghana?
This is state-sponsored democracy we are practising, the cry of the poor is ignored.
Their calamity becomes the meat for debate for elite corrupt politicians. Watch the media space this morning, some talking big political grammar in English and Akan
They lied to us no funds yet we had money to brand buses…elitism
They lied to us no funds yet we had money to buy 11 air conditioners in a 2 bed room renovated house
They lied to us there is no money, yet they are able to service 110 ministers and 1000 presidential staffers.
They lied to us there’s no money, yet they are ready to pull down national monuments at great cost for building a national cathedral.
They lied to us no money yet we spent Ghc 135, 000 for party !
Who will stand for the poor?
When shall we have leaders who truly understand the plight of the poor?
The poor stand in the queues from dawn to dusk to vote the Lords of Democracy to come and lord over us..we are practising an already sick democracy !!
Our political actors appear dry in appreciating what is the plea of the poor masses. This is not the Democracy our forebears dreamt. This is not the Democracy the members of the Consultative Assembly drafted. It appears the real democracy has been kidnapped and corrupted. What is the reward for standing in the sun and voting for people who do not appear to understand the feeling of the people?
Could it be because the Actors are not students of our local education and so do not feel our pains?
Is this Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana?
Fred Forson
PR Practitioner