The Appointment of a Visually Impaired at UCC Gladdens my Heart

Agaatorne Douglas Asaah
1 Min Read
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The 2020 general election running mate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has expressed delight at the appointment of a visually impaired at the law faculty as lecturer at the University of Cape Coast (UCC).

The UCC law faculty appointed a visually impaired Carruthers Tetteh as a lecturer for the first time in the history of the school. Carruthers Tetteh is a graduate of the school who rose to the occasion.

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In a Facebook post, the astute politician noted: “News of the University Of Cape Coast (UCC) appointing the law faculty’s first visually impaired lecturer gladdens my heart. Carruthers Tetteh is a history maker whom we are all proud of.”

Professor Naana also thanked the special education department for their dedication and commitment to training persons with special needs. “Our special education department also deserves accolades for the phenomenal work done over the years in graduating students with special needs across various schools and departments” she reiterated.

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