A strange coffin has been found in front of a man affectionately called CARPEY’S room at Maame-Krobo in Kwahu Afram Plains South District in the Eastern Region.
According to some eye witness, the man and woman thus husband and wife are no where to be found in the house.
[ads1]Speaking with the Morning show host of Afram FM 103.3mhz Torgbui Gadeka, they made it clear that the man and wife run away leaving the coffin behind. They added that the coffin has been brought by a well known fetish priest in the area who normally announces his dealing in the area on an information center at the locality.
The coffin at the moment is untouched and waiting for further investigation by whom it may concern.
More details to come soon:
Source: Torgbui Gadeka (Afram FM 103.3mhz)