Rejecting the Western narrative

Awake News
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The person or group of people who came up with this expression must have just said what we all wanted to hear. They nailed it. This group of words were neither rehearsed nor intended for the use that they have acquired. I do not dispute that words evolve and they change their shape and forms to mean things different from what their birth outlined. Some words, simply, cannot be compromised to pass through this little fate. Africans need to understand that there is nothing like a “Western Narrative”. This was just a quick formation of words that should remain so else be left out to disperse into the air.

It is important that we understand the the West can be likened to capitalism and this means that most of the things that they engage are for profit maximization. This means that all the stories that they post about the continent are just for their benefit.

They seek to define us in areas where they have market and then continuously repeat this concepts to the people so as to brace them to take their money away. We are that thing in between and if at all this protest should be for the west against the imprisonment of their minds.

International media does not represent the views of the majority. They want our attention and once they have acquired it, that is a possibility for making a profit. Silence is golden, too. This is lesson that the young African needs to learn. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your own approval.

What about the investors image about us? What about the money that could have improved our economy but the stories have dimmed this possibility? What about our children’s future? Will they get jobs?

I will answer a question at a time.

It is flawed to think that an investor first reads some newspaper stories in order to understand how he is going to make it in the country of interest. There is a shortage of this kind of ignorant entrepreneurs and that is the truth.

The reason why investors will be attracted to your country will be when you, friends and family work hard and elect sensible policy makers who will ensure the country is improving its economic outlook. Stories do not improve the economy and are not accountable for bad decisions made by investors. Misinformation on itself is not a crime but I am sure somewhere manipulation is outlawed.

The view that we ought to blame ourselves for the bad economic performance is in order. We have elected leaders that have corrupted us since they were elected but they are still in power. This will surely be an issue for scrutiny later. Let us seek profits too if it agrees with our cultures and morals else do the things that will better ourselves. Let us fight for our voices at the top of the table otherwise we will just be the old us, bogged down with questions thinking that there is a narrative that holds us captive.

It is fine for a western friend or acquaintance to be unaware that Africa is a continent made of many countries. It is fine. It is not appropriate to think that you are the only person in the world that desires the attention and is in the position that you need to understood by everyone. It is wrong to even harbor such thoughts even about an enemy. The fact is knowledge is infinite and there is a lot we do not know.

People expect of us to be more accepting and understanding. This should be coupled with hard work and positivity then we will invest in our own economies and our children will benefit. We are the makers of tomorrow, if there is to be one.

by Dennis Kariuki

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