Mr. President, check the massive corruption in your gov’t and stop muzzling the press & speech

Efo Korsi Senyo
Efo Korsi Senyo
Managing Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake...
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By Ohenenana Obonti Krow

Nana Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana

Greetings Mr President,

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I write to you at this point of your term in office to express my concern about the endemic corruption, muzzling of the press and speech, and mismanagement going on under your administration. In your inaugural address on January 7, 2017, you pledged to pursue an impartial zero [ads1]tolerance policy towards corrupt officials and to protect the public purse. But in eight months since that pledge, anti- corruption efforts that began under your predecessor have been severely weakened.

I am deeply concerned that the actions of your administration have undermined the credibility and effectiveness of some state institutions such as EOCO and the Police Service. I believe you can do much more to address the deeply rooted and devastating corruption in your administration. I am greatly concerned that the actions of your appointees have undermined the work of some state security agencies and further entrenched the impunity enjoyed by corrupt officials in your administration. I urge you to publicly state your commitment to holding appointees of your administration accountable, and to support that commitment by taking practical steps to improve transparency and accountability in your government

Mr President, in spite of the massive unsubstantiated corruption allegations you and your party levelled against the Mahama-led administration, Ghana’s rating in terms of anti corruption fight per transparency international’s report, improved significantly and rated the best so far. Your predecessor courageously sacked appointees in his government who involved themselves in acts of corruption and even reprimanded those who made verbal statement he deemed inappropriate.The sycophants around you persistently tell you that you are doing well when they know very well that your government has disappointed millions of its supporters. The economy very much in tatters, with frightening unemployment and poverty ravaging our land. Hundreds of Ghanaians are losing jobs daily through political victimisation yet, some of your appointees are making millions of cedis daily through corrupt practices. On your war against corruption, Mr President, I am sorry to say that you have been struggling to build a corrupt empire instead of building an institution truly committed to the war against corruption. Instead of acting decisively on corruption issues raised in the media and reported to you, you rather praise the perpetuators and “decorate” their crimes with “beautiful” analogies. The BOST boss was given full government support when facts available indicted him. Your finance minister arrogantly rubbished agitations raised by Ghanaians concerning how he connived with the wife and friends to issue that famous $2.25 bond. Two of your appointees Mr Samuel Jinapor, and Mr Asenso have been accused by another close confidant of yours A- plus, of corruption but are still working comfortably at the Presidency. I am sure you’ve listened to the leaked tape and the serious revelations captured on it. If you don’t carry out an urgent surgery in the entire administration, your corruption fight will largely remain rhetoric and a battle against opposition. To keep the two deputies in office while being investigated would mean deliberate move to undermine the investigation.

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Mr President, free press is a watchdog to keep checks on government power and abuses. The method adopted by your appointees at the NCA to directly censor and suppress people and their stance on governance issues is dangerous for our democracy. The phenomenon adopted by that outfit to either clear or suppress radio stations perceived as anti Npp is unjustifiable. One of the main arguments advanced against licensing of journalists, media houses and publications is its indiscriminate nature

It is your moral as well as constitutional responsibility to protect the press including those you perceive as anti your government against threats and harassment by your appointees at the NCA. Under a President who fought alongside others against suppression of free speech, reporting the news in Ghana has become a potentially dangerous undertaking. Journalists regularly face pressure, including direct threats, to tread lightly when reporting or commenting on your government and activities of your appointees.

Mr. President you have become completely oblivious of the fact that you were elected to implement certain promises you made on your campaign platforms. There are still millions of Ghanaians including some supporters of your party that will not forgive you for the costly miscalculation we witnessing especially the manner in which you ignore the chicanery of recalcitrant powerful appointees of your government and party. You and your appointees and your associates are solely responsible for corruption and mismanagement of the economy and you do not give a hoot about anything whatsoever outside self-aggrandizement.

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Managing Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake in 2012 and served as the Chief Editor until 2022. He is a businessman and investigative journalist. Email:
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