Message to compatriots holding the red, white and blue banner

Awake News
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Fellow Compatriots,

In the name of our national creed ‘I pledge allegiance to the Republic’ I pen these few lines with conscience, independence and good fate. “The Motherland will not fall”, remains a compelling mission for us all irrespective of our ideological and social difference. Never will we revert to our revolting past where violence, brutality and guns were the prime tools in handling issues around governance, rules of law and security. No Compatriots, history has painfully hit us hard that the most ideal approach to amicably address civil and political disagreements isn’t the sour route of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s neither the latter 2000s, but it’s uncompromisingly tied to peaceful assembly and dialogue. Peaceful assembly in dialogue and protest is an indicator of good governance and maturing democracy. Trust ours is in these positive trends.

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At the moment, our democracy and governance system is on a litmus test; one that symbolizes a visually-impaired pregnant mother strolling miles away from home with a raw egg in an old-small teaspoon. For those of us that understand traditional and cultural dialectic, you know where I’m heading.The world and international partners are painstakingly watching and viewing the outcome of this economic saga. How well it’s resolved is the inalienable rights and unflinching duty we endure as a nation. Be it, ‘LRD 9B, LRD 16B & LRD 15B’ is nothing to settle on quietness, mediocrity and sycophancy. Those monies are sufficient enough to create a buffer against economic shocks in our financial market and yield sustainable growth and development. A modern bridge would be birth for the first time ever in a high-to-reach town in rural Bong called Degei. Least to talk about the social and economic transformations of slums community in and around our central-political capital cities. In a country where vast majority of the population live below the poverty line, it’s a national alert to constructively engage the system and demands realistic answers void of invectives, hates and hidden agenda.

Fellow Compatriots in government and its supportive arm, I challenge you to demonstrate tolerance and leadership in these testing times and remain keen to the words of deceased-veteran President John F Kennedy, “Without debate, without criticism no administration and no country can succeed and no republic can survive.” Our leadership is empirically and practically measured on how well we maneuver in these pluralistic societies. Recognizing and respecting the views of your governs (citizens and opponents) guarantees your ability to govern. We are cognizant of your current role to the state; one that involves being place between a sharp-cutting scissor. How well you position between the scissor, denotes the strength of your ability to lead. The worst you can ever envisage at this time, is to knowingly or intentionally provoke the situation. Being in charge means, wearing a thick garment of leadership. Today, I ask you to show leadership, respect opposing views, politely engage your governs and be tolerant.

Fellow Compatriots in the media, you remain the real man (In my African-American tone) in these critical times. In this new dispensation, your job stretches beyond just collecting news and sitting on the radios; it’s now enveloped with independent analysis and honest evaluation deeply grounded in the words of the Great American Human Rights Activist, Malcolm X, “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Certainly, you’re the brave man holding the sharp-cutting scissor in the midst of the governs and the governor so the best thing you can do for your country is to conscientiously follow your ethical ABC style of journalism. Be accurate, be brief/balanced and be cleared!  Unlike the other sophisticated and organized nations where people easily detect facts from fictions, our own is the inverse. Please stand up for the Republic in conveying information. There’s no champion in being the first to announce ‘Breaking News.’ What’s most important to us, is the content of the message you carry not the messenger and not the motive! As far as history is concerned, you’re the bridge that connects the Republic to us and the rest of the world.

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To you my compatriots in the diasporas enjoying the outcome of good governance in other parts of the world, the onus is on us to tread with deep sense of patriotic caution as we arrive at the logical conclusion of this monetary saga. Though we’re distant from the homeland, but technological advancements via social media has connected and brought us closer in airing and contributing our views to the discourse. It’s my gentle appeal that we carefully utilize these opportunities we enjoy to the benefits of our country not to its disadvantage. Unlike the sophiscated terrains we sit emanating from the collective efforts of those nationals, ours, is a one of poor infrastructures, high illiteracy, disease and poverty so too much of misinformation, disinformation and ludicrous propaganda pose serious threats to the nation that once hosted us and still hosting our relatives, families and colleagues. Doing the contrary by spreading hates, creates uncontrollable panics and excruciating pains in the minds of our illiterate-dominant society; an unfavorable indicator of an investment-friendly society. “If you can’t contribute to history, don’t destroy it”, let’s remain truthful to the Republic of birth by treading with nationalistic caution.

My fellow compatriots in the political battlefield of ideas not insults, you’ve an indispensable role to play in our governance system. Like antibiotics in the human system, so you’re to our governance system. It’s on your ideological difference our democracy is maturing and our governance system is posed for reforms and good. In your prime quest for state power, place the Republic above your supporters by being true to your conscience. Trying to score  political points out of a situation that has the propensity to undermine the little gains and dangerously drags us to the dark sides of yesteryears is nothing good but a disservice to not just your supporters but the very Republic you so dearly seeking to govern. This is bad politics and must be rethink if!  Trust you’ll remain true to your conscience, speak truth to power, and fearlessly hold government feet to the fire and above all place the Republic above your interests and your supporters. There’s no interest so germane than protecting the sanctity of the homeland.

To my kindred countrymen in arms, I mean those brave soldiers and security apparatus jealousy protecting shielding the Motherland from falling; you’ve a huge task at the moment. A task challenging and defining your patriotic and national duty to the land. The onus is on you to professionally demonstrate your patriotism and allegiance to country not the regime. Regime changes with time and historical realities, but the Republic remains unchanged with the army defending lives and territories. When our founding fathers crafted our constitution, they knew a moment would have come when patriotism would be tested against the governance system of the land. Neither in boastful pretense nor mere hallucinations did Sir Winston S. Churchill asserted the importance of the army; “We sleep safely at night because enough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.” Be protective not destructive!

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And most essentially to my compatriots in the civil societies especially the newly form civil movement, Concerned Citizens United to Bring Our Money (COCU BOMB), representing the vast majority of the poor citizenry, you remain the guard dog of the land, the voice of the voiceless and the intermediary between the govern and the governor. Make no mistake brethrens in compatriots to reduce this struggle to the sour slogans of the now ‘us vs. them, jobs vs. joblessness, not me not you, pay agents vs. jobs protection or political interests over national interests.’ Stamp zero tolerance for political parties wanting to use this peaceful medium of the populace to score in deceit and shift their way to power. Welcome their solidarities of supports with caution, conditions and checks of backgrounds, intents and motives. History will be kind to us if we choose and follow the path of great men in Kofi Annan of Ghana and the United Nations, and Dr. King Jr of the great United States who against all odds stood on the sides of justice, freedom, liberty and equality.

In distant solidarity, we beseech the team to demonstrate civility and cooperation in demanding proper accountability and justice into this economic hubbub hampering the image of our beloved country, Liberia. In the midst of oppositions to peaceful assembly and protest, let’s remain civil, peaceful, tolerant and above all, engaging. The fight for social justice and good governance honors no selfish hero than the one who autonomously and dispassionately sets out his life and stands in favor of the Republic. A duty of citizenship over friendship! It takes not all but one brave and courageous soul to fearlessly speak truth to power without selfish motives to turn the tide of history for the betterment of society. Neither is anyone against the government that constitutes the people nor our fellow compatriots steering the affairs of the state we possess shares, but we’re standing up against monetary-fiscal deficiencies, injustices and systematic imbalances threatening the economic and social transformations of the homeland. Trust you’ll sustain the debate, shout the battle cry and placard the hashtags: #BringbackOurMoney #ZeroTolerance4Impunity #TheMotherlandWillNeverFall

Finally, to all and sundry, I mean the great and resilient people of Africa’s oldest Republic, I beseech we remain kind and civil in these challenging times in our history. There’s no interest now that is bigger than the interest of the Republic we stand for. There’s no partisanship bigger than the citizenship to a country. There’s no allegiance that’s bigger than the allegiance to the Republic we share!

In union, strong success is sure, we can’t fail. Jah, bless the Motherland and directs our thoughts as we champion the agenda of a new Liberia of equal opportunities for all. Peace!!!!!!

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Samuel Saah Karimu is a youthful globally prepared Liberian writer, researcher and certified public discussant with background in Business Economics, Financial and Project Managements and Quantitative reasoning blended with quality business communications and problem solving skills. Hold training in development studies, Management Information System and Forensic Investigation. Worked with the private sector on a private-public partnership mainly design for strengthening rural-health system in Liberia. He can be reached at

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