Mothers’ Day is here with us again; it’s that day of the year specially dedicated to the wonderful women the world over who have so ably guided our paths.
We at GALs World recognize that true motherhood is not limited to biological mothers only. We equally celebrate the women who nurture our spirits to rise above the occasion; the women who have and still do mentor us in the classrooms and lecture halls; the women women who raise us in our chosen fields of endeavour; the women who look after children in the absence of their mothers-including some stepmothers, nannies,senior [ads1]sisters, aunts, grandmothers, adopted and surrogate mothers.
We also acknowledge the women who are encountered once in a lifetime but still leave eternal prints on the tablets of our hearts. We cannot forget the wonderful mothers-in-law who give many of us the privilege of being “a daughter from another womb”
We wish to give a resounding ovation to all the single fathers out there who have learnt to fit into the missing jigsaw piece of a mother, while still playing their fatherly roles.
GALS World wishes you all a Happy Mothers’ Day. May you taste the fruitful savour of your labour while you still have breath. God bless you.