Full-text: KPMG report on SML and GRA deal

Atingane Adumbire
1 Min Read

President Akufo-Addo announced on Wednesday that he has decided to release the full KMPG report on SML and GRA’s deal. This was despite the president’s earlier resistance even in after an RTI request.

According to President Akufo-Addo in the statement signed by the Communication Director, Eugene Arhin, the “KPMG report comprises opinions, advice, deliberations, and recommendations that are integral to the President’s deliberative process and, therefore, qualifies as exempt information under section 5 (1) (a) and (b) (i) of the RTI Act. Thus, the Office of the President was justified in turning down the request from MFWA for a copy of the KPMG report.”

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The president’s failure to release the report saw an upsurge in calls from all quarters with many accusing the Jubilee House of protecting some private interest.

However, in releasing the report, the President said, it is “in the interest of full transparency in governance, openness, and honesty with the public, has decided to waive the privilege under section 5 of the RTI Act and has directed the publication of the KPMG report in full.”

See the full KMPG report below.

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