Finding Solution to Ahlussunna Bruhaha … New Roles for Deputy National Imams

Efo Korsi Senyo | Executive Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo | Executive Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake...
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In fulfilment of his promise to find a perfect solution to the problems and to address the recent disturbing issues within Ahlussunna Wal- Jama’a of Ghana, the National Imam of Ahlussunna Wal- Jama’a Sheikh Umar Ibrahim Imam has restructured the roles of the two deputy Imams through Sharia and constitution of the sect.

The restructuring of the two deputies roles is as a result of some administrative misinformation which have over the years created deep cracks within the body of Ahlussunna.

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This and other issues according to the National Imam resulted in fabricated stories to discredit him that they have been depositing money in a particular account at the headquarters but do not know how those monies are expended.

The situation has resulted in the two deputies’ decision not to submit the organization’s money and properties to the headquarters.

According to him his authority is from the Qur’an and the Sunna quoting Qur’an 4:59 Suratun Nisaa “O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.

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And if you disagree over anything among yourselves refer to it to Allah and His Messenger if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day, that is the best and most suitable for final determination”.

“I also draw my authority is draw from our Constitution Article 9B Sub-section ld about the functions of the National Imam which says to: (Deiver suen statements that shall be binding to the entire ASWAJ in the country directly or through a spokesman)” he noted.

“I have come to the conclusion about our Constitution concerning the position of my deputies.

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Sheikh Umar Ibrahim revealed that per the constitution of Ahlussunna Wal-Jama’a no deputy is an automatic successor to the National Imam adding that fighting over a position is an exercise in futility.

He said per the constitution the finances and properties must be administered from the headquarters and he has tried for almost six years to get this understanding to sink into the minds of some of his Ulama but they have refused to understand organizational work.

Setting the record straight on Saturday December 16, in a press briefing at the headquarters of Ahlussunna Wal -jama’a over the said fabrication and falsehood, the National Imam demanded that the two deputy Imams must make the said account public and how much
they deposited therein and who are the drawers to that account adding that failure to do that will expose them for the public to see who they are and what they are planning to do.

To remedy the situation using the powers conferred on him in the constitution, the
National Imam stated that since the past six years they have refused to follow the constitution concerning the ASWAJ money and property which he will not demand from them anymore they should go
ahead and administer it the way they want.

Concerning his position on deputyship, the National Imam declare that the ranking system attached to his deputies is abolished forever and all his deputies are now without any rank of preference.

According to him they shall be known by their sectors of concentration i.e. Deputy National Imam in charge of Da’wa and Education, Deputy National Imam in charge of Finance and administration and so on.

He stated that the Deputy National Imam in charge of Da’ wa and Education is Sheikh Mohanmed Kamil Mohammed and the Deputy National Imam in charge of Administration is Sheikh Munir Abdallah Taufiq and no đeputy shall be the automatic representative of the National Imam.

He said representation at
each function, programme and invitation shall be the preserve of the National Imam as he chooses who represent him at any moment.

“The National Imam reserves the right to change roles for his deputies and no deputy or secretary shall convene any ASWAJ meeting without first seeking my approval and discuss the agenda of such meeting with me.

He added that all ASWAJ Councils, Boards, Assembly and Committees must take up their work and report to the National Executive Council and all Regional Imams must concentrate on their core mandate to strengthen Ahlusunna at
the local and Regional levels.

He revealed that the current happenings in Ahlussunna suggest some amendments to some portion of the constitution and urged all members of Ahlussunna to forward their suggestions to the amendment committee for onward submission to the NRA.

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Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake in 2012 and served as the Chief Editor until 2022. He is a businessman and investigative journalist. Email:
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