Engage stakeholders on the free senior high school policy – Volta NUGS to Gov’t

Efo Korsi Senyo | Executive Editor
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Mr. Divine Kporha, NUGS President, Volta Region

The Present of the Volta Regional Bloc of National Union of Ghana Students, Mr. Divine Kporha has urged government of engage all stakeholder in the yet to be implemented free senior high school policy.

He made this call has addressing the 22nd Annual Delegates Congress of TTAG-Volta held at the Peki College of Education yesterday, August 21, 2017.

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According to Mr. Kporha their “investigations has revealed that the free senior high school policy has always been in the media with little or no official communication to the stakeholders mentioned”

[ads1]”The Ministry of Education should engage all stakeholders especially CHASS, heads of senior high institutions, NUGS and SRC Executives in the Volta Region”  – he added

Mr. Kporha did not escape the news item that revealed how a school resorted to the use clay to mould computers and its accessories to be able to study ICT in his address. This is what he has to say:

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“The attention of the Volta Regional Bloc of the National Union of Ghana Students has also been drawn to some current developments in the region as far as Education is concerned which is a setback to the delivery of quality Education in the region. The Union has intercepted videos of news items carried on certain media houses where teachers and pupils of Bomigo, an island in the Keta municipality had to use clay to mould computers and its accessories to be able to study ICT.”

He also seized the opportunity to make passionate appeal to the Member of Parliament and the District Assembly of the Ho West Constituency to also construct a permanent concrete bridge at Bokorvikofe to enable parents send their wards back to school as the lack of bridge pushed parents to withdraw their wards.

Read his full speech:

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Mr. Chairman, the Deputy Volta Regional Minister, Members of Parliament, Directors of Education, the various Representatives of GNAT and NAGRAT, TTAG (Teacher Trainees’ Association of Ghana) and SRC Executives, Students, Friends from the Media present, Ladies and Gentlemen.Good afternoon. I bring you warm felicitation from our mother union- NUGS- Volta.

I wish to congratulate the organizers and the leadership of TTAG for putting in place this Congress under the theme “Mobilising For Ghana’s Future: The Need For Practical Oriented Teacher Education”. I must confess that the theme is very appropriate at this particular moment of our nation’s history when restoration of teacher trainee’s allowances and issuance of licenses to teachers has become a topical issue on the airwaves. We fully offer our support as an umbrella body for all student associations in the region to ensure the success of this congress.

The National Union of Ghana Students is an umbrella body for all Ghanaian Students both home and abroad and the Teacher Trainees’ Association of Ghana TTAG is a bloc on NUGS hence it is of importance to be here to deliberate on the theme of this congress which will be climaxed with an election to elect new leaders to man the affairs of the association for the forthcoming academic year.

Mr. Chairman, gone were the days when the Volta Region was popularly acclaimed to be a doyen of academic excellence in Ghana. One thing any indigene from the Volta Region could confidently hit his or her chest and be proud of was the high level of academic excellence in the Region, this is attested to by people from other regions. It is preposterous and highly incredible to fathom that, the once powerful Region in terms of Education is now struggling and we are all witnesses to this.

Mr. Chairman, on the issue of free Senior High School, the Ministry of Education should engage all stakeholders especially CHASS, heads of senior high institutions, NUGS and SRC Executives in the Volta Region because our investigations has revealed that the free senior high school policy has always been in the media with little or no official communication to the stakeholders mentioned.

The involvement of students in decision making can not be overemphasized, it is in this regard that the framers of the Universities, Polytechnics and the Colleges of Education Acts mandate the various Students’ Representative Councils’ (SRC) Presidents to represent the student populace of their respective Universities, polytechnics and Colleges of Education on the Governing Councils. We at this point would like to appeal to Government to expedite action on the appointment and inauguration of the remaining colleges of Education without Governing Councils to avert any industrial actions which will go a long way to affect the students of the Volta Region.

The attention of the Volta Regional Bloc of the National Union of Ghana Students has also been drawn to some current developments in the region as far as Education is concerned which is a setback to the delivery of quality Education in the region. The Union has intercepted videos of news items carried on certain media houses where teachers and pupils of Bomigo, an island in the Keta municipality had to use clay to mould computers and its accessories to be able to study ICT.

In a separate development, parents at Bokovikofe a community in the Ho West District had no option than to withdraw their wards from school due to the dilapidated nature of the bridge that links the various communities to the school.

As an official mouthpiece for all students in the region, these developments come as a worry to us. The union is reliably aware of several other communities where teaching and learning is a challenge due to several factors ranging from dilapidated school buildings to unavailability of teaching and learning materials.

In spite of this setbacks, we commend teachers like Mr. Thomas Ahiabor who in the case of Bomigo Basic School improvised computers and its accessories by using clay to mould them in order to teach the pupils.

We humbly call on the Member of Parliament for the Keta Constituency and the Keta Municipal Assembly to work with the Volta Regional Minister to as a matter of urgency extend electricity and provide Computers to Bomigo Basic School to enable the pupils have access to quality education.

We also call on the Member of Parliament and the District Assembly of the Ho West Constituency to also construct a permanent concrete bridge at Bokorvikofe to enable parents send their wards back to school.

The provision of quality education is a shared responsibility for all of us. We therefore as a union call on all indigenes of the Volta Region both home and Abroad to join the campaign to restore the former glory the region was clad with as far as education is concern.

Long Live NUGS- VOLTA.


Divine Kporha

Source: AwakeAfrica.com

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Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake in 2012 and served as the Chief Editor until 2022. He is a businessman and investigative journalist. Email: talktosenyo@gmail.com
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