Effective Education And Positive Advocacy Can Create Gender Parity

Awake News
4 Min Read
Moses Katamani, The Author

Gender disparities, stereotyping, and inequality in society must be everybody’s concern and must be tackled holistically. Sloganeering can generate people’s interest in a problem, but it cannot solve them without positive concerted efforts. On the issues of gender disparity, we must all get involved.

With our societies dominated by one gender, slogan alone cannot change the trends of disparities; but effective education and positive advocacy can. Let’s start the education by recognizing the potential of both genders and directing our energies to educate our children; both girls and boys to explore their full potential and passion.

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There was an imbalance in the past whereby some families favoured boys against girls; this was a disservice to many families, societies, and our countries. Especially in Africa, some families allowed boys to go to school, whilst girls were made to stay at home or the best, learn a trade. Now, let’s create a balance in educating both boys and girls without discrimination against any.

As an educator with much passion for education in Africa as a whole, with years of experience in Ghana; both in and outside the school system, I have observed positive trends in the advocacy for girl child education in Ghana. Major appreciation to women advocacy groups, NGOs for girl child education, and above all, Former President of the Republic of Ghana: Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings; may his soul rest in peace. In the late 1980s to 1990s Former President Rawlings worked with advocacy groups including the 31st December Women’s Movement to trumpet the importance of girl child education, and it was a success.

Today in many Senior High Schools in Ghana where girls education was very low before, girls are almost 50% of the enrolment and more in some schools; especially in private schools. Even now, many trend-watchers and advocacy groups with a focus on ‘Education for All’ are cautioning Ghana of the dangers of shifting the focus on girls to the neglect of boys. Thus, we must support both girls and boys to achieve their full potential without discrimination. This will benefit our families, societies, countries and the whole world. That, “effective education of our children is a solid ground for a positive future for all to achieve their dreams irrespective of their gender.”

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In sum, we must educate our children to respect and support each other’s potential without looking down on any gender. We must avoid gender stereotyping and gender war songs, which will not benefit anybody, but take us backward. Let’s stand for all humans to bring out the best in all; both boys and girls. Though late; I say Happy International Women’s Day to all hardworking women of the world. Together we can mark the world as a fair place for all.

I dedicate this to my former teacher: Miss Lena Alai, an educated lady who has had a great influence on my education and personal development.


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