Dr. Oteng Gyasi And GRA Board Must Wake Up

Efo Korsi Senyo
Efo Korsi Senyo
Managing Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake...
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Information reaching this media outfit indicates that there is a worrying trend in the customs division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) which has to be checked with immediate effect before the state revenue gets compromised under the hidden hand of one Alex Takyi Yeboah.

According to a source close to the GRA, Mr Yeboah has caused the interdiction of over 200 customs officers between 2017 and 2018 as a result of clearance of goods that this agent and 2 others made through the ports which were found not to be above board leading to revenue loss to the state.

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The source revealed that clearing license of the said Agent was revoked as a result of the incident that lead to the interdiction.

The source further revealed that the agent is back at the port and has become more vicious than before.
His modus operandi is to use other agencies to do his jobs for him and will go after any customs officer who dares to interfere in his work.

The source stated that the said agent has the tacit support of the HR department which he uses to victimize officers or place others at strategic schedules to facilitate his work.

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The source added that recently the agent succeeded in removing almost all the Chief Revenue Officers (CRO’s) from the Post clearance audit department by way of transfer to various places within a very short time for daring to stop containers purportedly belonging to Alex Takyi which is verifiable.

The source further revealed that the agent also made sure that the transfer of the current commander of Takoradi to Tema did not see the light of day by sheer harassment and intimidation after it seemed impossible to reverse that transfer.

“He then went ahead to impose Rosemary Addo Parker a known close associate of his and who clearly is a threat to revenue generation due to her records and inexperienced in the handling of a specialized unit to be transferred to Customs Technical Service Bureau (CTSB) as the commander” the source said.

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This appointment according to the source was rushed in such an indecent manner and contrary to convention in that even though the HR department advertised the position the appointment was made before the date of interview.

The source again revealed that the normal practice was for the second in Command to hold the fort until the substantive appointment was made after the interviews.

“It is also interesting to note that the second in command is a senior to Rosemary even though both of them hold the rank of CRO” the source noted.

The source established that that department is responsible for the determination of the duty payable and processing of all customs transactions.

“This is not surprising as he wants to immobilize the customs activities of that unit and what is surprising though is the acquiescence of the GRA board and the top management.

Further information also revealed that Mr Alex Takyi has also told everyone in the port circles that he is responsible for the appointment of the Special Prosecutor for which reason he has weaponized the outfit for his selfish benefits.

According to the source, it is a common knowledge within the port circles.
The source has therefore called on the GRA board to wake up from their slumber otherwise officers will soon accede to the dictates of this agent to the detriment of Ghana as a whole and GRA in particular.

More to come on prosecution of some officers for their unexplained wealth.

The story will be out soon and Alex is at the center of it.

“Dr Oteng Gyasi you cannot continue to pretend that all is well at your GRA especially Customs Division and your HR department. The source added.

Do you have some information to give us or news to publish? Please send them to editor@awakenews24.com

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Managing Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake in 2012 and served as the Chief Editor until 2022. He is a businessman and investigative journalist. Email: talktosenyo@gmail.com
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