CSE: Former GES Director-General, Jacob Kor reacts

Efo Korsi Senyo
Efo Korsi Senyo
Managing Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake...
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My dear venerable brothers and friends, please there are videos in circulation about trends of events in this current subject matter of CSE.

Former President Kufour, former President Atta Mills and former President Mahama did not, and with emphasis DID NOT Have this Comprehensive Sexuality Education in their era.

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Just ask the Minister why he has refused to continue with programs and policies that Mahama initiated to the admiration of Ghanaians but rather chose to dig up and implement programs that President Mahama and his team shelved away because they saw them to be bad and not feasible.

The blame game being pursued will not fly.

If CSE documents were found in my files, was there an elaborate strategy to implement it or did we train teachers to go and implement it?

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He chose to pursue it so bear the brunt rather than implicating President Mahama and his the former Director General of the Ghana Education Service.
Sorry. He should try and clean up what Ghanaians think is a mess in Education.

To the best I can remember, I was appointed to head Curriculum Research Development Division (CRDD) in 2011. The Curriculum was reviewed during my tenure of office but Comprehensive Sexuality education was not part of the curriculum.

The curriculum review at that time was headed by one Dr. Quansah who was very old that time.
He can be contacted to witness to what I am saying.

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However, even if it was part of the curriculum why is it that the people did not react this way as they are doing now?
Secondly, teachers are in the field to testify if there has been something of the sort at that time. Curriculum materials of that time can testify as well.

Textbooks and and other Teaching Learning Materials of that time can bear witness.

District and Regional Directors at that time can also tell the truth if funding was provided for training of teachers at that time on the reviewed curriculum which contained topics on comprehensive Sexuality education.

I don’t believe that we had embarked on such a venture?

On 22nd January 2015, I was appointed Director General of the Ghana Education. But funds were not available for us to review the curriculum.
Therefore, when did this topical issue appear in the curriculum?
Even if I signed such a document was it implemented?

Where are letters I signed authorising the implementation of CSE?
Let us stop dragging innocent people into the unpopular CSE issue and address the concerns of Ghanaians currently expressed.

We are citizens and not spectators to issues of this vital nature.
Education is for the people, by the people and must be with the people’s interests reflected.

Let any person prove me wrong by showing me the curriculum during my tenure of office which contains CSE.
We should not forget that Ghanaians are very alert and critical on issues bordering on our culture. Nobody can toy with us.

People in governance should be humble to listen to the people and say sorry we are ready to do your will.
Remember the Poll Tax Ordinance and the uprising of the people. If the people say NO SO BE IT.


Do you have some information to give us or news to publish? Please send them to editor@awakenews24.com

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Managing Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake in 2012 and served as the Chief Editor until 2022. He is a businessman and investigative journalist. Email: talktosenyo@gmail.com
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