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Talking about men who abuse their positions and take advantage of women, I have a story to tell about some of the people I have encountered and how their attitude towards females their female workers/ students

The first man on my list is Kofi Anokye, CEO of Group Koans, an award-winning multimillion-dollar group of companies with the most popular being Koans Estate. 

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I have known this man for the best part of the past 6 years, I spend virtually half my day with him.

He is definitely not perfect but he is special in many ways and especially when it comes to demonstrating the highest standards in the area of sex with subordinates. 

Over the past 6 years that I have known this man to the very core of his dealings, there is one thing I realise about him: Mr Anokye would never take advantage of his workers. I know every single worker of his and I have seen the ladies there on countless occasions had conversations on how it is rare to find a boss like him when such issues pop, we are quick to draw on the negatives and overlook even if a few, the extraordinary people to make effort to do things right and better

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Today, as  we look to completely demonize our society in a bid to make a statement that ‘all men’ in position of power abuse their positions, we cannot lose sight of those who have set positive examples in that department

There are some great men out there doing something different, we cannot let them be consumed by those who abuse their position of privilege and take advantage of women in need. 

We need to single them out and celebrate them because then, we have examples to recommend to our kids. 

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Kofi Anokye is one of such people I can personality stick my neck out for without fear of being surprised.  Prof Kofi, kudos for blazing the trail and giving us a good example of how to remain human in the midst of plenty.

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw is another person I can call out for showing the highest standards in his line of duty during the time I encountered him.

I undertook a two-year course in Journalism and Media Studies at Trans African University College from June 2005 to 2007. My lecturer for Media Law and Ethics was Dr Maurice Appaw he was a fine lecturer, perhaps the very best I have met due largely to the practicality of his teaching methods and ability to bring down technical knowledge of the law in relation to the media to the understanding of laypeople.

 Our lecture hall was mostly full during is session because it was extremely fun and informational in equal measure. He had this beautiful rapport with us and so we all took him in. For an institution with so many grown-ups and international students, getting a bite of some of the beautiful ladies was very easy, in fact, Lawyer Ampaw had advances made towards him, we knew a number of the girls who adored him and wanted that opportunity. 

But there was generally this testimony about him across the board: Lawyer Ampaw wouldn’t have a look at any lady once he leaves the campus. This was the word on the mouth of the ladies. On the contrary, we knew all the lectures who had made advances towards the ladies but he stood out. Yesterday when he gave an account of how he resisted such pressures as a lecturer, some of us knew too well that he was speaking the truth. 

He was also a Lecturer of Company Law at Central University and the testimony is the same, he had those high standards despite coming across as a little bit of a ‘naughty’ kind of person. I don’t like how he sells himself in the media lately because it has taken the attention of the entire nation from the gift of knowledge he is blessed with. But when it comes to demonstrating an honorable character in the area of sex, his principles to the best of knowledge remains up there with the very best

The third person and definitely not the least is Dr Alhaji Mohammmed Agbeve of Agbeve Herbal Hospital, for close to three years, I was almost his personal assistant.

I introduce him to almost everything IT communication and he also took me as a son and a friend. One thing I don’t renege in doing since I became a journalist is finding out how the people I get close to treat their female workers especially. 

 From my conversation with workers of his hospital, Dr Agbeve gave his female workers all the comfort they needed to work without exploiting them, he was a father to them. In fact, the whole company was like a family business, with his workers treated like direct children. I have met workers who left his company, some on a bad note but sexual advances towards them is one thing that never comes into the conversation.


Let us condemn those in the act of sexual exploitation without mincing words, but while at it, we should be wary of drawing every man into it.

Let us also make such men who take the honorable decision to zip it realise that society appreciates their kind and that they are the examples dearly needed in a generation that is getting consumed by sexual lust. 

Do you know anyone with such an example, this is the time to celebrate them. 

Not all men are dogs, some have integrity 

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