BA Youth Needs Strategies To Win 2020 Elections Not Character Assassination

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Efo Worlanyo. Tsekpo

I have personally pledged to campaign on issues and not to use my opponents as campaign messages.

We lost in Brong Ahafo like never before in the 2016 elections and this is the time to prove to our able delegates how we can gather our pieces, strategize and recapture power come 2020 and not going round messageless and trying to link Efo Worlanyo TSEKPO with other candidates to so to knock heads together to gain their sympathy.

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It’s a pity to know that some aspirants go round and in every constituency there is a candidate emerging for other portfolios that aspirant will try likening Efo Worlanyo TSEKPO to a different aspirant of that same position so to gain the attention and look for their favour. I wouldlike to make it clear to the aspirant who is embarking on that unfruitful project that his actions will never hold water because the Constituency Youth Organizers and the TEINs who make up the delegates knows better and they know the person who can serve the Youths in the Region at this crucial moment.

Though I have been invited to join lots of teams for campaigning, I decided to go round alone to have a brotherly chat with the Youths across the region to discuss my vision with them but not to go round with a propaganda that will not stand the test of time.

The Youths in Brong Ahafo want pragmatic steps that will secure our lost seats and consolidate the national votes to recapture power in 2020 and not stories and character assassination.

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I have informed the Youth Commanders in the various constituencies that:

1.Myself and my team will help them in their various constituencies to develop a clear roadmap and implementation strategies that will help them to secure every branch and increase our membership at our various branches that will include a *welfare package* to take care of all social programs for our able Youth Organizers.

2.We have made it clear that the only way to protect our victory is to strengthen our internal security hence the formalising and giving our internal forces the needed attention. I promised every constituency that is ready with their forces T-shirts and later after my victory, we shall build a database for all of them with a unique numbers and IDcard for them so that there wouldn’t be infiltration of outsiders to tarnish their image. Over 100 of the T-shirts are ready for Dragon forces which will soon be delivered in the coming days.

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3.We have also promised to decentralized the activities of the Youth wings to the Zones, Constituencies and the Branches so that the voter can feel the impact of the Party. Meetings, Trainings, symposiums wouldn’t be centralized in Sunyani but will be rotated in our various zones.

4.We have also made arrangement for a team of lawyers to be on a stand by to help give legal services to any Youth in the Brong Ahafo Region who may have a legal issues relating to the 2020 elections.

5.We are also poised to stage series of demonstrations on the DKM and other financial meltdown which heavily caused us in 2016. This was a major factor for our defeat which we the Youths have to challenge government day and night in the coming days.

6.Voter monitoring and mobilisation system was adopted and managed by Donald Trump and Uhuru Kenyatta and they successful won their elections. This is because it gives the party a clear performance of every constituency on either the rise or fall of voters mobilisation so to enable party leadership to make informed decisions. A 12,000 data collection software has already been donated by a software engineer and a humble call has been made for assistance of 30 laptops for the Region so that every constituency can have it’s own laptop for implementation of this very important voter mobilisation exercise.

7.Periodic seminars and training will be organized for our Youth Organizers and TEIN members to review our strategies for the 2020 battle. A program which a comrade in UK has pledged to sponsor when the time comes.

8.My team and have also made a move to help the Youth wing get a viable business that will help finance our activities in the Region. As an Entrepreneur I know how to get it done and it will done.

9.Our dormant TEINs in Brong Ahafo Region will also be revived and resourced to be a benchmark for all the TEINs in Ghana. My administration wouldn’t neglect our students for three and half years and run back to them with angelic face to beg them for their votes. That’s why we have started providing logistics like Registration booklets, certificate, banners and others for them on their various campuses. We have also decided to get our own ID card printing machine so that we can move from campus to campus to print their TEIN IDcards for them for free. A complete database will also be developed for all the campuses in Brong Ahafo to keep record of all our members on the various campuses.

10.We have also made a solem promise to our Youths to be independent and never to do anyone’s biding when elected. I promise to serve a Youth wing that will not be remote controlled but a Youth wing that is accountable to the Youths at the grassroot before anyone else.

These and many have been my pledge to the Youths in the Region to enable us maintain our current seats, retrieve our lost seats, secure more seats and increase our votes at the various branches to consolidate the national votes for a victorious 2020.

I will urge all delegates to continue to keep faith with me as we approach the conference day to help secure the victory we have all been yawning for.

This Regional Youth election is not about our personal interest, it’s not about promotion nor someone just trying to be Regional Youth Organizer because he contested a Youth elections before but someone with clear vision to help energies, strategies and bring hope to our Youths to work towards achieving our ultimate goal in 2020.

2020 is Possible but it’s just a matter of time.

*Efo Worlanyo TSEKPO*

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