Energy Minister, John Peter Amewu is ignorantly misinformation his supporters that the injunction granted by the Ho High Court is mute since the election result for Hohoe was gazetted a day before it was granted. Folks, this is elementary ignorance, and Amewu may be swimming in a polluted pool of confusion.
Without going into the substance of the case, and not seeking to prejudice the court, the plaintiffs sought three reliefs:
1. An order restraining the EC from gazetting Amewu as MP elect for Hohoe
2. And order restraining the EC from presenting Amewu as MP elect for Hohoe and Amewu holding himself out as MP elect
3. An order restraining Amewu from presenting himself to be sworn in on January 6, 2021 as MP for Hohoe. (These are not the exact phraseology so far as the reliefs are concerned).
The interim injunction the Ho High Court granted was in respect of all three reliefs and not only the first one. If I were Amewu, I would be overly worried about the third relief than even the first and second reliefs.
The relief as granted by the court, of course for ten days subject to it’s being repeated on notice by the plaintiffs, is simply saying that even if the EC gazetted Amewu as MP elect for Hohoe, he should not step foot in Parliament on January 6, when all MPs elected would be sworn in. Mr Amewu is not thinking about this blockage but rather rejoicing over he being gazetted before the injunction was granted as he puts it.
The argument over whether the action would succeed when it is repeated on notice or not is premature. That discussion would come up when the plaintiffs trigger that action and the court makes pronouncement on same.
I’m off to my village
Amorse Blessing Amos
Deputy Greater Accra Regional Youth Organizer