A hyundai with registration number GT 3987 Y from Asesewa heading towards Odumase fully loaded with fresh maize and four passengers including a driver and his mate have passed away around 10am yesterday morning in a vehicle accident.
According to eye witness, the accident occurred as a result of head on collision involving the said Hyundai and a Tipper Truck with registration number GT 7763-17 belonging to the limestone quarrying [ads1]site at Oduglase in the lower Manya Krobo District of the Eastern region.
The driver and a female passenger died on the spot whereas the driver’s mate the remaining female passenger passed away at the St Martin’s de pore Hospital at Agormanya.
Gravepine has it that, the cause of the accident was that, the Tipper Truck veered off it lane colliding with Hyundai upon negotiating a sharp curve.
The on the spot deceased according police report, were sent to the ATUA Government Hospital mortuary.
The rest of the corpse were also deposited at St. Martin’s Hospital pending police report.
The Tipper driver and his mates are at large according close source.