Joseph Kofi Abavor writes: IT IS US, THE PEOPLE

Efo Korsi Senyo | Executive Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo | Executive Editor
Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake...
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We need to blame ourselves rather than faulting our politicians for failing to address the problems, challenges of society. Critics of this firm opinion of mine would ask why should that be the case? The basis of their question I believe stem from their fundamental understanding of how governments function around the world – to maintain law and order, improve lives, address issues at the heart of society development. A curious learner would want to know the ground on which i think the woes of society should be apportioned to us, the people.

The answer to this assertion can be traced to the origin of the State and specifically the “Contractualists” theory of state formation. According to this group of Political Scientists, the state was formed through an agreement between the politicians and the people in what is popularly known as Social Contract. In this Social Contract, the politicians are to maintain law and order, develop society. The main mandate of the people in this agreement is to determine who develop society. Put differently, the authority and mandate to develop and improve a country is derived from us, the people. John Locke, a proponent of the Social Contract, asserted that Sovereignty – the supreme authority of the state resides in the people.

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It is of Locke’s idea the drafters of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana placed supreme authority in us, the people. Article 1(1) of the Constitution reads

“the Sovereignty of Ghana resides in the people of Ghana in whose name and for whose welfare the powers of government are to be exercised in the manner and within the limits laid down in this Constitution”. This supreme authority is exercised by the people through democratic elections. The responsibility to solve the tribulations, woes of society is given not to our leaders but to us, the people and the very reason we have ourselves to blame. Why should we fault the political leadership if we were the same people who elect and accept them to represent our interest? We have ourselves to fault because of this political principle “Whosoever acts through his agent, act through himself”. Blame should be given to us, for failing to elect competent agents to defend our collective interest.

If we are to blame ourselves for not electing better leaders to represent our interests, should we become enablers, guarantors or promoters in acts that seem not to be addressing woes we created ourselves? Well, the reality is, after creating the problem, we become accomplices. How do we become abettors in our own failures?. These are some instances we became collaborators in our own destruction: (1) an intelligent friend whose parents cannot afford secondary education voted against a candidate who promised Free SHS whiles that policy allows their child to have access to secondary education without paying a pesewa; (2) a colleague Political Scientist who should know better thinks an aspiring parliamentary candidate’s giving of mathematical sets to BECE candidates is far commendable and better than an aspiring presidential candidate who is promising to legalize and regulate Okada business whiles the Okada business creates avenues for parents to buy mathematical sets to children, relatives and many more candidates if they engage this business; (3) an electorate willing and ready to vote for the candidate who can provide money – conditioning of votes with money. These three instances made me to believe the popular aphorism “we are our own enemies”. Indeed we have the responsibility to our communities we come from to become the best we can as Ben Carson advised in Gifted Hands.

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Our failures as people does not absolves the political leadership in anyway. They also contribute significantly to the continuity of the status quo. They in an attempt to lure susceptible electorate wheedle them with promises for electoral gains without any institutionalized principle. If in 2016, the ‘Dead-Goat John Mahama’ believed losing an election was better than restoring Allowance for Nurses and Teachers, that principle should be applied in 2020. Again, if cutting sod and commissioning of projects in an electioneering year is not the best practice for ‘King Promise, ShowBoy Nana Addo’ in 2016, the president in 2020 is expected not to be cutting sod for projects. Our leaders know best how to promise, yet fulfilling all the promises, they know not. I guess they do not know the Bible’s position on promises in Ecclesiastes 5:5. It states “Better not to promise at all than to make a promise and not keep it”. Basically, do not promise Heaven, if you cannot provide Heaven. If it is not right for ASEPA to demonstrate against AGYAPA Deal, it is equally wrong for aspiring members of parliament organize health walk on Sundays in this era of COVID-19, likewise it was not right for the Akyems to partake in a demonstration against a private individual who shared a post. Let our leaders and their allies have principles. Let them enforce the Public Order Act, (Act 491) fairly.

George Washington remarked “Deeds, not words”. We want to see our leaders exhibit what they preach almost everyday on their social media handles especially with COVID-19 safety measures. Their rallies should demonstrate the social distancing gospel, wearing of nose masks in the health walks, rallies. Leadership they say is by example. Still action speaks louder than words.

If after three and half years, our great economic Messiah cannot solve the economic woes of the country, the Ghana Cedi cannot be arrested, then Plato’s notion of a Philosopher King ending the troubles of the state is as Michael J Sandel put it “a myth born of meritocratic hubris”. There were Philosopher kings during the era of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle as there are Philosopher Kings and Queens in our epoch and we the people are Philosopher Queens and Kings. On December 7th, the supreme authority still resides in us, the people, we must use it for the collective good of society. The decision is ours to make.
God Bless our Homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong.
Counter arguments, different point of view are always welcomed.

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Writer :

(Paolo Mawuenyega)



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Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake in 2012 and served as the Chief Editor until 2022. He is a businessman and investigative journalist. Email:
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