Efo Korsi Senyo | Executive Editor
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Samuel Saah Karimu

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter four female checks, came a sparkling young man

The beginning of Sunday, Sep 09 saw the principal touch of a brilliant kid

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Shouting, rolling and crying the black man

With grins and appreciation mother adores for the kid

Daddy and others join mother and express gratitude toward “The Prime Mover’ for the kid

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Pure and puzzled was the kid


Convention and traditions manage the name of the kid

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Saah in the Kissi family proposes the name of any first kid

Mama and daddy began another trip with kid

Unfortunately, two of the four checks relinquished the trip

To comfort the tallies, came three new relies on the trip

Qualities, ethics and morals check the trip


Yes! A journey brimming with strength and assurance

Gracious! The adventure starts with soil development

The soil that stamped okra-rice production and consumption

Well… the soil breeds the training and edification

Conditions couldn’t hold the soil from reproducing the triumphant direction


Genuinely the adventure opposed the chances with planning and inspiration

Be that as it may, unfortunately amidst the adventure

Enlisted ‘Unfilled surrender’ of voyage

Who to satisfy the relinquished adventure?

Here comes the immense Iron woman with a tool in her grasp

She holds the digger tight to proceed with the adventure

Expectations and Life returned on the adventure


Yes, the Iron woman with her digger and cutlass champions the adventure

Nearly at the skirt, flagged another agonizing deserting of the adventure

This time, the Iron woman with the tool, surrendered the trip

Goodness, the Iron woman surrendered the soil on the trip

Her tool is too overwhelming to proceed with the trip

Neither the cutlass to proceed with the adventure

The hearts can’t stand the adventure


Oh! Somebody truly needs to help the adventure

Thinking and crying can’t help the adventure

Yes, continuation and finishing must beat the trip

Once more, bravery and assurance went ahead board the voyage

This voyage must end in the impression of the Iron woman

The last winning guideline got the completing purpose of the adventure

Gracious, the Iron lady is the genuine champion of the trip!

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Samuel Saah Karimu is a youthful globally prepared Liberian writer, researcher and certified public discussant with background in Business Economics, Financial and Project Managements and Quantitative reasoning blended with quality business communications and problem solving skills. Hold training in development studies, Management Information System and Forensic Investigation. Worked with the private sector on a private-public partnership mainly design for strengthening rural-health system in Liberia.

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Efo Korsi Senyo is the Founder and Executive Editor for AN Network - publishers of Awake News, Awake TV and Awake Africa Magazine. He founder Awake in 2012 and served as the Chief Editor until 2022. He is a businessman and investigative journalist. Email:
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  • Thanks for the publication. Appreciate with regards as we.jointly shift the destiny of our continent, Africa.

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