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Whether betrothal or marriage, it’s illegal – Kwasi Prempeh replies GaDangme Council

Prof. Henry Kwasi Prempeh - Executive Director of Centre for Democratic Development - Ghana

Prof. Henry Kwasi Prempeh - Executive Director of Centre for Democratic Development - Ghana

Prof. Henry Kwasi Prempeh, the Executive Director of the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development (CDD), has waded into the discussion on Nungua Gborbu Wulomo’s alleged marriage to an underage girl.

Lawyer H. K. Prempeh reacted to a Citinewsroom article that said “Gborbu Wulomo’s relationship with 12-year-old girl a betrothal, not marriage – GaDangme Council.” The article was based on a press release by the GaDangme Council on the matter that has stirred national conversation. The respected educationalist and governance expert explained that regardless of what the relationship is called, engaging a child in a betrothal or marriage is illegal per the laws of Ghana.

Prof. H. K. Prempeh indicated that Section 14 of the Children’s Act, 1998 (Act 560) frowns on either act, hence, it was needless for the president of the GaDangme Council, Nii Ayikoi Otoo, to defend it as “betrothal.”

“For the benefit of the former Attorney General and his Council, here is what Section 14 of the Children’s Act, 1998 (Act 560) says, 14. (1) No person shall force a child (a) to be betrothed;
(b) to be the subject of a dowry transaction; or
(c) to be married.
(2) The minimum age of marriage of whatever kind shall be eighteen years.”

The Executive Director of CDD Ghana concluded by stating that “Thou shall not defend the indefensible or excuse the inexcusable.”

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