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We’ll prosecute corrupt NPP officials – Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang

The Vice Presidential candidate of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, has made clear the party’s resolve to go after officials of the current administration who are involved in corrupt practices if party comes to power in 2025.

According to the recently-outdoored running mate to former president John Mahama, anybody who is proven to have been involved in state capture and plundering of the country’s resources, will be “held accountable.” She, however, quickly added that her statement amounts to no threats, but a promise.

“Across the political divide, across social and professional groupings, among the youth, you hear of complaints and stories concerning state capture, where this government has chosen to use its power not in the broader interest of all Ghanaians but to favour a small clique. What is that?” she remarked

“John and I have agreed, that whoever has participated in the plunder of the state must be held accountable. This is not a threat; it is a promise, premised on the wishes of our citizens across the various political and social divides, and hinged on the principle of accountability,” Prof. Opoku-Agyemang stated in her acceptance speech at UPSA where she was officially presented to NDC party faithful and the general public, on Wednesday, April 24.

On March 7, John Mahama nominated Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang as his running mate as the NDC party prepares for the December 7 presidential and parliamentary elections. Her nomination was widely welcomed by the rank and file of the party. Many saw as the ‘right’ person to partner John Mahama for the upcoming elections.

She partnered John Mahama for the 2020 elections, but unfortunately, they could not secure the 50+1 per cent which was needed to be declared winner.

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