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“We are disappointed in you” – Torgbui Ashiagbor IV writes to Ketu North MCE

The Dufia of Weta Traditional Area,  Torgbui Ashiagbor IV has written a long open letter to the Municipality Chief Executive of Ketu North Municipal Assembly, Anthony Ablorde Avorgbedor asking him some twenty critical questions which he said needed an urgent answer from the MCE.

Among other issues raised, Torgbui Ashiagbor IV has accused the MCE of meddling in the chieftaincy issues of the areas and has since cautioned him to come clean.

“In fact, we are disappointed in you and find it extremely difficult to fathom what has actually informed your decision to maltreat us.” – Torgbui said

“We, therefore, wish to give you a week ultimatum to apologise to the chiefs and people of Weta and, as a matter of exigency, fix all the lapses and correct the anomalies; else, we will go extra mile to the appropriate quarters where the Pandora’s Box will be opened for more revelations” – he added

Read the full letter:


Dear Sir,

An Open Letter to Ketu North MCE

Weta is believed to be the oldest traditional area in the Ketu North Municipality; however, no indigene has ever been appointed to the office of MCE since its creation. Meanwhile, the area has suffered retrogressions in the hands of the successive MCEs, despite its being endowed with rich natural and human resources. That aside, it is obvious that you, in particular, your actions and inactions are explicitly suggestive that there is a hidden agendum to unmake Weta; thus, you always sweep the fortune of the area under the carpet. We have, therefore, exhausted our patience and resolved to demand from you, Hon. Anthony Ablorde Avorgbedor, Ketu North MCE, a detailed response to the following *20-why* questions:

1. Why have you relocated the warehouse initially proposed to be built at Weta to Dzodze, knowing very well that such an act is a misplacement of priority since the IDA Rice farm is at Weta?

2. Why, allegedly, attempting to relocate the proposed Rice Market at Weta to Dzodze, knowing very well the IDA Rice farm is at Weta?

3. Why the connivance in the alleged IDA financial malfeasance of which 3% royalties paid every season to Weta Chiefs from IDA coffers had been taken without the consent of the chiefs who own the land?

4. Why are you so egocentric in the shares you get seasonally from the farm levies but not prepared to responding to the hue and cry of the farmers, concerning the construction of bridge on the road to provide easy access to their Rice farms?

5. Why bent to create enmities among the people of Weta as you heartlessly willed to take their rice farm plots from one brother and give to another without prior notice or education?

6. Why have you been abusing your political powers just to achieve a personal interest as allegedly deduced from your connivance with your allied to carve Agorvi away from Weta and place it under Dzodze, knowing very well that the town is founded by only one warrior, that’s,Torgbui Mlapa from Weta?

7. Why have you drawn the map of Ketu North without the knowledge or involvement of the chiefs and people of Weta?

8. Why the arbitrary discrimination against WETA, especially in the distribution of the national cake as manifested, for example, in the magnificent reservoirs built for the people of Dzodze but, you have built just a single miniature one for the people of Weta?

9. Why insistently misinforming the chiefs and people of Weta that you have no record of the abandoned road constructions in Weta whilst the municipal engineer keeps saying otherwise?

10. Why the higher level suppressions of the people of Weta in terms of the Government scholarship opportunities that come to the Municipality every year?

11. Why the negligence of duty and avoidance of social responsibility as directly emanating from your inability to spend the weekends in the municipality to honor invitations for programs and functions organized by the chiefs and people of Weta, which are very authentic for you to explain government policies and achievements to the populace?

12. Why not making available to the people of Weta the various protocols for enlistment into Ghana’s security services, e.g. police, immigration, military as well as other viable employment opportunities? Can you mention the name of just one beneficiary from Weta over the years?

13. Why not extended the education on the Rural Enterprise loans for small scale businesses, MASLOC, and Covid-19 fund as initiated by the government for the people of Weta to also benefit?

14. Why not assisted the people of Weta to benefit from the government’s one-district-one-factory and one-constituency-one-million dollars project?

15. Why the nepotism at its apex against the people of WETA as depicted in your issuance of appointments to the various offices in the municipality? Can you mention the name of an indigene of Weta who is a beneficiary, come to talk of NHIS, NADMO, Non-formal Education, etc?

16. Why have you been beating wardrum in Weta as it is alleged that you are involved in packaging the litigation of Ashiakpor’s stool for the populace to think Weta is a warzone whilst you remain very quiet over the real chieftaincy disputes in Dzodze?

17. Why have you been misapplying your political powers and prowess to your favor as it is alleged that you openly take side and keep fuelling antagonism between the factions of Ashiakpor’s family wranglings?

18. Why do you continue to violate the rule of law as it is being alleged that you have made yourself an arbiter of Ashiakpor’s stool dispute, pre-judging the legitimate case which is yet to be adjudicated by the Volta Region House of Chiefs?

19. Why have you denied the people of Weta of government initiative of planting for food and job?

20. Why not build stores and other structures in Weta market as done in Dzodze or disclose the royalties we get each year from the market levies but watch the market to grow at a snail’s pace?

In fact, we are disappointed in you and find it extremely difficult to fathom what has actually informed your decision to maltreat us. We, therefore, wish to give you a week ultimatum to apologise to the chiefs and people of Weta and, as a matter of exigency, fix all the lapses and correct the anomalies; else, we will go extra mile to the appropriate quarters where the Pandora’s Box will be opened for more revelations. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Torgbui Ashiagbor IV

(Dusifiaga, Weta Traditional Area)

For Concerned Chiefs and people of Weta

By: Efo Korsi Senyo /

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