Awake News

Vetting of NDC national aspirants begin

Opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has started the vetting process of aspirants vying for various national positions.

The party is expected to look at the background and the aspirations of all the aspirants during this process.

The exercise which began on Thursday, 20 September 2018 has over 100 candidates who completed the nomination process.

Those vying for the National Women Organiser, Deputy National Women Organiser, National Youth Organiser and Deputy National Youth Organiser positions were vetted on the first day.

Vetting of those aspiring to the National Communication Officers, Deputy National Communication Officers, National Executive Council and Zongo Caucus Coordinators, will come off tomorrow, Friday, 21 September, while those for Deputy General Secretary, National Organiser and Deputy National Organiser, have been scheduled for Saturday.

Aspirants to the National Chairperson, Vice National Chairperson and the General Secretary positions, will end the vetting process on Sunday.

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