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V/R: Torgbe Afede, AG Petitioned Over A Looming Chieftaincy Dispute at Weta

from (L) President Akufo-Addo and Torgbe Afede

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he families Yao Gbormasu Gate, the Biabia Gate and the Adoglo Gate, have petitioned the President of National House of Chiefs, Torgbe Afede and Attorney General over what they described as a fraudulent act of “one Mr. Nelson Believer Glago, who is carrying himself about as Fiaga Ashiakpor VI of Weta Traditional Area”

[ads1]According to the petition, a copy which has been obtained by Awake News, Mr. Nelson Believer Glago is alien to the kingmakers of Fiaga Ashiakpor and “his family’s association with the stool or with the royal family of Fiaga Ashiakpor is in question”.

They stated that the issue is already being contested at the Customary Court of Arbitration at Anloga (Awadada Court, Anlo State) by other rightful family heads and Zikpuitor (stool father) yet Mr. Glago has defied the court and going about carrying himself of the Fiaga Ashiakpor VI of Weta traditional area.

“We, the rightful royal family members and the kingmakers of Fiaga Ashiakpor (the paramount chief of Weta traditional area), would like to bring to the attention of the office of the Attorney General, President of National House of Chiefs, Torgbui Afede XIV, National House of Chiefs, Volta Regional House of Chiefs, Anlo Traditional Council, Chiefs of Weta traditional area, Assembly members, Dumegawo (Town Council of Elders) as well as the youth and the citizens of Weta to be aware of the action of one Mr. Nelson Believer Glago, who is carrying himself about as Fiaga Ashiakpor VI of Weta traditional area.” – the petition said

According to the petitioners, Mr. Glago was first known to the kingmakers on 30th of September 2016 when Mr. J.K Wotordzor, a former campaign manager of Hon. Kofi Dzamesi, the current Chieftaincy Minister introduced the Glago families to the kingmakers saying they (the Glago family) are descendants of the Blebu Gate residing in Klikor.

“the first royal families’ meeting held towards the installation of Fiaga Ashiakpor VI, on the 30th of September 2016, one Mr. J.K. Wotordzor led three aliens by names; Hon. Rtd. Gabriel Kofi Kuma Glago (G.K.K Glago), Godfred Glago and Godknows Glago, all from Klikor (a suburb of Agbozume), to the residence of Zikpuitor (stool father), Mr. Midao Ate Tsipotey, at Morkope-Weta, the venue for the meeting.”

The family is, therefore, calling on the authority to intervene in the matter.

Read the full petition:

Dear TogbuiAfede XIV,


We, the entire family members of the Yao Gbormasu Gate, the Biabia Gate and the Adoglo Gate, hereby write to petition your high office as a matter of urgency to refrain from introducing any individual or group of persons purporting to be Fiaga Ashiakpor VI or family members of Torgbuiga Ashiakpor VI, as the paramount Chief of Weta traditional area.

We, the rightful royal family members and the kingmakers of Fiaga Ashiakpor (the paramount chief of Weta traditional area), would like to bring to the attention of the office of the Attorney General, President of National House of Chiefs, Torgbui Afede XIV, National House of Chiefs, Volta Regional House of Chiefs,Anlo Traditional Council,Chiefs of Weta traditional area, Assembly members, Dumegawo (Town Council of Elders)as well as the youth and the citizens of Weta to be aware of the action of one Mr. Nelson Believer Glago, who is carrying himself about as Fiaga Ashiakpor VI of Weta traditional area.

The facts about events happening, which need your attention and immediate action are as follows:

  1. that Fiaga Akpo Ashiakpor II married Aworyese (a sister of Torgbui Adela Dartey) and begot four children as follows: Blebu, Biabia, Yao Gbormasu and Adoglo; from a different marriage relationship. Fiaga Akpo Ashiakpor II begot another son named Adzorlolo, whose descendants are currently living in Ziope, a suburb of Kpetoe;
  2. that Blebu, the first child of Fiaga Ashiakpor was a woman who got married to one Mr.Kutsienyo (an alien from Togo-Voga). Kutsienyo was a sorcerer and a blacksmith who came to settle with Fiaga Akpo Ashiakpor II at Weta;
  3. that at the first royal families’ meeting held towards the installation of Fiaga Ashiakpor VI, on the 30th of September 2016, one Mr. J.K. Wotordzor led three aliens by names; Hon. Rtd. Gabriel Kofi Kuma Glago (G.K.K Glago), Godfred Glago and Godknows Glago, all from Klikor (a suburb of Agbozume), to the residence of Zikpuitor (stool father), Mr. Midao Ate Tsipotey, at Morkope-Weta, the venue for the meeting. J.K Wotordzor, who was once the campaign manager of Hon. Kofi Dzamesi, introduced these three aliens (the family of Glago) as descendants of the Blebu Gate residing in Klikor. These aliens petitioned the royal families to set a date for a second meeting to be held at their residence at Klikor, which was agreed by the kingmakers;
  4. that after the first meeting, the stool father, kingmakers, and the Gate heads vowed to investigate the background of these individuals introduced whilst preparations towards the installation was on-going;
  1. that at our second meeting, which was held at Klikor on the 6th of April 2017, Zikpuitor (stool father) Mr. Midao Ate Tsipotey, notified the entire kingmakers once again that it would be the turn of the Biabia and Yao Gbormasu Gates to nominate a candidate to be investigated by the council of elders and the kingmakers for the throne in question;
  2. that Hon. Rtd. G.K.K. Glago (the alien) rejected Zikpuitor’s statement regarding the selection idea and said that there is no document or record showing such an order. He added that in this era of democracy such statement will not be accepted. Clearly, from that moment, we began to identify the evil and fraudulent agenda set up by these aliens;
  3. that during the 3rd meeting held at the palace in Weta, to the surprise of everyone, the Glago family had announced to the kingmakers and elders, an executive committee they had unilaterally formed in Klikor in the absence of all other family members, kingmakers, Zikpuitor (stool father) and the head of the various Gates;
  4. that in this committee, G.K.K Glago made himself President, Financial Secretary, Cashier and Logistics Officer, and his brother Godfred Glago the executive secretary;
  5. that it is clearly stated in the chief’s Code of Royal Ethics section 3 clause 5 sub sections 1 that, “A chief should be mindful that he owes his position first and foremost to the clan from which he hails, royal family who nominated him through the Queenmother, Abusuapanin or stool father as the case may be and thirdly to the Kingmakers or elders who elected him and finally his counsellors whose wise counselling have aided him to administer the affairs of his area in accordance with tradition and custom. Consequently, a chief should accord such categories of traditional authorities the due respect in all his dealings or interactions with them.”;
  6. that Mr. Nelson Believer Glago and his family’s association with the stool or with the royal family of Fiaga Ashiakpor is in question and therefore being contested at the Customary Court of Arbitration at Anloga (Awadada Court, Anlo State) by other rightful family heads and Zikpuitor (stool father);
  1. that this case has been adjourned for the ninth (9th) time, with an injunction placed on all activities leading to enstoolment by the Customary Court of Arbitration, Anloga and Circuit Court of Sogakope pending the final determination and judgment. However, Mr. Nelson Believer Glago and his gang have defiled the orders of these two respected courts claiming to have enstooled Fiaga Ashiakpor VI in the absence ofAnlo State,Zikpuitor (Stool father), Kingmakers, Dumegawo (Town Council of Elders), Assembly members, youth and citizens of Weta as well as over 70 queen mothers and chiefs of Weta traditional area;
  2. that the Glago family was able to buy individuals and some chiefs in the area. Some of these people include; Regent Christian Ashiakpor, Torgbui Dela Dartey, Torgbui Bedi, Regent Torgbui Sorkpor,Agbozo Kutu, Regent Dunyo,Osafo of Anloga, David Dzikunu, Assemblyman of Weta, as well as some other individuals who are consistently frustrating the legitimate Gates to the throne. This is causing unnecessary tension in the area;
  3. that Mr. J.K Wotordzor, who led the Glago family to Zikpuitor, was once the campaign manager of Hon. Kofi Dzamesifrom Akatsi. On Wednesday, 30 January, 2018, he led individuals, listed in point 12, to the office of the Chieftaincy Minister, Hon. Kofi Dzamesi with the intention of conspiring with Mr. Nelson Believer Glago to fraudulently introduce him to the president of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Nana AddoDankwaAkuffoAddo. Meanwhile, neither Mr.Nelson Believer Glago nor his family belongs to the royal stool, neither have they been enstooled according to our customs and traditions;
  4. that this act is a sacrilege and a taboo which must not be washed-off with impunity. We are law-abiding people who believe in the judgment of the courts and the institutions of law, and therefore want you and your office to call the bluff of this young man to order. The action of this young man, Nelson Believer Glago, and his alien gang, if not checked could plunge the peace in our land to total chaos.

Hoping for your swift responses to save the peace of people of Weta.

Thank you

Mr. Midao Soworda Tsefote (Stool father) …………………………….……………………………

Mr. Agbodzi Sokpor (Head, Yao Gbormasu gate) ……………….……….…………………………

Mr. Kwasi Tsefote (Head, Biabia gate) ………………………………….….……………………….

Mr. Edward Goodman Kudese (Ashiakpor Family Secretary) ………….…………………………

Mr. Kudjo Ashiakpor (Member, Adoglo gate) ………………………………………………………

Mrs. Awlor Azilavi (Member, Yao Gbormasu gate) …………………………………………………


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