Awake News

The True Story of John Mahama’s Support for the GPRTU & Private Transporters

Madam Sedina Tamakloe Attionu writes:


Since exiting office as the Chief Executive of MASLOC on January 7, 2017, several spurious allegations and fabricated stories have been [ads1]levelled against my tenure. Some of the claims are so bizarre, one wonders how seemingly productive thought processes were harnessed to put together such outrageously and palpably false figments of imagination.

Over the last few days, the new CEO of MASLOC aided by one Gabby Okyere Darko using the Statesman newspaper and his personal social media handles, have been out and about claiming that three hundred and fifty (350) vehicles acquired by MASLOC have been left abandoned because their intended beneficiaries, the GPRTU, have rejected them since the former management and government inflated the cost of the vehicles to US$2million.
I refute in no uncertain terms these spurious and baseless allegations intended to tarnish my tenure as CEO of MASLOC. I am happy that some officials of the GPRTU have spoken out, of their own volition, to refute the lies of the NPP administration.

Our politics cannot be allowed to continue to be tele-guided by lies and misrepresentations by the followers of the Danquah-Busia tradition. We should do away with such negative and nation-wrecking political manipulations and concentrate, as the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and especially H.E. John Dramani Mahama demonstrated, on nation building, consistent transformation of our economy and tackling our infrastructural deficit in a manner that will ensure the sustained development of our motherland.

Far from being abandoned because the GPRTU rejected them, the vehicles procured by the NDC’s John Mahama administration through MASLOC are still where they are because after the handing over of the administration of Government and MASLOC, on January 7, 2017, the new management of MASLOC has failed or refused to proceed with the processes towards handing over the vehicles to the GPRTU members.

As Government is a continuum as evidenced by the commissioning of several of President Mahama’s Projects by President Nana Akufo Addo, the onus lay on the current CEO, Mr. Stephen Amoah, to continue the GPRTU project in a seamless manner and take credit for the project, if he so desired.

However, vilification of my tenure has so consumed him that in pursuing that agenda he has failed to stay focused on his job and has ended up exhibiting gross negligence and dereliction of duty. Having been caught pants down, he now seeks to lay blame on my tenure by concocting stories of vilification.
Had the Statesman reporter followed basic journalistic ethics by verifying his information with me before publication, he would have realized that his report was inaccurate. However, it seems clear that the story was published with the sole aim of ridiculing and tarnishing my tenure and that of the entire Management and staff of MASLOC who served during that period.

MASLOC was governed by a Board comprising persons of high moral character and repute and was chaired by a seasoned Chartered Accountant.
As a professional with over twenty-five years working experience in both the Private and Public Sector, I served my country to the best of my ability with competence, integrity and humility.
✓ I urge the general public to disregard the irresponsible and bogus publications by the Daily Guide and Statesman Newspapers.

✓ I urge the general public to treat with contempt the reckless, foolhardy comments and tweets by Ibrahim Adjei and Gabby Asare Okyere Darko, both of the Presidency.

✓ I urge the general public to treat with scorn the pathetic, fallacious, unprofessional gibberish of Stephen Amoah (CEO of MASLOC) and Maame Afua Akoto (Deputy CEO of MASLOC), which they continue to spew forth.


MASLOC/GPRTU Collaboration
On October 3, 2017, a publication by the Statesman Newspaper sought to impugne wrongdoing and corruption to my tenure as CEO of MASLOC, with the caption “$2M INFLATED CAR DEAL AT MASLOC – GPRTU snub leaves 350 cars rotting” with my picture and that of a car on the front page of the newspaper stating categorically that vehicles purchased for the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) amounted to US$2,000,000 and as such GPRTU had refused to take up the vehicles for utilization by their members.

This was followed by a Facebook post and Twitter Tweet by Gabby Asare Okyere Darko (of UN General Assembly fame), “This is how govt wastes ya money as tax payer. In 2016, paid $16,000 each for 100 cars when it sells for $9,000 retail” with a photo of the said publication.

My attention has also been drawn to ‘negative’ radio interviews granted by the current CEO of MASLOC, Mr. Stephen Amoah, and the Deputy CEO of MASLOC, Maame Afua Akoto.

Find below the facts of the MASLOC/GPRTU Project:

Fellow Ghanaians, wherein lies the truth of the claim that the vehicles have been abandoned because we inflated the prices of the vehicles leading to the rejection of the vehicles by the GPRTU?
Such outright lies, told to cover up the ineptitude and partisan handling of national issues, can only come from depraved minds. No single unit of those vehicles was issued to any GPRTU member, so if as they are planning, they want to deny the Union the vehicles and rather allocate them to identified members of their Party, they should just go ahead instead of dragging the name of H.E. John Dramani Mahama and his appointees at MASLOC in the mud.

May I take this opportunity to react to the baseless and vexatious allegations made against my tenure by Mr. Ibrahim Adjei of the Presidency. He claimed on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana program, that I had inflated the price of tricycles for MASLOC by purchasing six hundred (600) tricycles for GHC 17million.

The facts relating to the purchase of the tricycles are as follows:

Fellow Ghanaians, wherein lies the truth of the claim that six hundred (600) tricycles were purchased at GHC17,000,000?
• Can paying GHC17,000,000 for six hundred (600) tricycles be equated to paying GHC17,000,000 for two thousand (2,000) tricycles? NO
• Did MASLOC make any payments on the 600 tricycles delivered during my tenure? NO
• Did MASLOC distribute any of the 600 tricycles delivered during my tenure? NO

To categorically state that MASLOC purchased 600 tricycles for GHC17million and insinuate a corrupt inflated deal is an outright despicable falsehood, reflective of the degenerate mental state of Ibrahim Adjei and his cohorts.
I hereby serve notice that I intend to fearlessly protect my hard-earned reputation.

Sedina Tamakloe Attionu

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