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Serebour Quaicoe helped EC communicate better – Franklin Cudjoe

Dr Serebour Quaicoe

IMANI Africa’s founding president, Franklin Cudjoe, has reacted to the reassignment of Dr. Serebour Quaicoe, the outgoing Director of Electoral Services at the Electoral Commission.

News broke of Dr Serebour Quaicoe’s reassignment this week the Jean Mensa-signed letter informing him of the change surfaced online. Per the letter, Dr Serebour Quaicoe will from July 1, 2024 head the Training Department at EC.

Many are still wondering about the reason for the reassignment. Franklin Cudjoe looked beyond that and said reassignment itself is a demotion. He argued that Dr Serebour Quaicoe’s new role has less significance compared to his previous role.

According to him, Dr Serebour Quaicoe helped the Electoral Commission to communicate properly since he joined the commission.

“Jean Mensa demotes Serebour who actually helps the EC communicate a little better than all the commissioners,” part of his Facebook post read.

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