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Same sex adults kissing in public will suffer more than a 70-year-old marrying a child – Gabby

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko - Senior Partner & Co-founder. Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko - Senior Partner & Co-founder. Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko

Gabby Otchere Darko, a leading member of the NPP and Senior Partner & Co-founder. Gabby Asare OtchereDarko has reacted to Nungua Gborbu Wulomo’s alleged betrothal to a 12-year-old girl. The incident that has sparked national discussion and widespread condemnation has now been compared to another topic of grave national interest.

Reacting to the news, Gabby said Ghanaian laws are ready to punish two consenting adults of the same sex who kiss in public more than people who marry children. While there is an existing law that protects children and proscribes a 12-month jail term, there is no such law governing same sex marriage in the country. A recent effort led by opposition MPs in parliament to establish a law that punishes people who practice, promote or support LGBTQ+ activities.

“In Ghana, you face a maximum jail term of 12 months if you force a minor into marriage, according to Children’s Act 1998 (Act 560),” Gabby tweeted.

“Once assented, the law that seeks to presumably protect our family values (which ignores child marriage by the way) will impose a prison sentence of up to five years for the ‘wilful promotion, sponsorship or support of LGBTQ+ activities’. In fact, two consenting adults of the same sex face a stiffer sentence if they are found kissing in public than the 70-year-old man who marries a 14-year-old girl,” he concluded.

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