Awake News

Retaining our FA Cup title is our focus now – Dreams FC

Dreams Football Club has expressed its profound gratitude to everyone who contributed in diverse ways towards making its campaign in the CAF Confederation Cup a success though they exited the competition on a sad note on home soil.

It said in the interim, the club’s focus is now on retaining the FA Cup they won last year which led them to the Confederation Cup.

“Members of the technical team and the players are hurting at this moment over their inability to have secured a win and qualification to the finals of the competition. We therefore urge that we offer them our utmost support during this difficult period and rather celebrate them for the enormous achievement in restoring the pride of Ghana in African club competition,” portion of the statement read.

However, it indicated the team has not given up on success this season because “when one door closes another one opens.”

“The Board and Management will forever remain resolute behind the team and continue to put in measures to ensure we finish the season on a high. All efforts and attention will now be switched towards finishing in the highest possible position in the Ghana Premier League and retaining our FA Cup title,” the statement added.

“We Still Believe and always Trust in God to guide and direct our path towards ending the season on a high,” the statement concluded.

Dreams FC statement after Confederation Cup exit

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