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Martin Amidu does not have a strong case against Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng – Amanda Clinton

Amanda Clinton

A private legal practitioner, Amanda Clinton has argued that the petition by former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu seeking to impeach Kissi Agyebeng as the Special Prosecutor does not have substance.

Amanda Clinton said though Martin Amidu submitted a good petition, the merits might not be enough to cause the removal of Kissi Agyebeng from office as Special Prosecutor.

Using the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act 2017, Act 959 as basis, Amanda Clinton said Amidu’s claim does not go deep enough to cause an impeachment.

“Mr Amidu’s petition, although well laid out, does not go far enough to justify an investigation or a committee being set up because I don’t think a prima facie case necessarily exists apart from the procurement issue,” she said on News File on Joy FM.

 Amanda Clinton, however, the procurement breaches raised by Martin Amidu in his petition may prove the turning point for the petition if a prima facie is established. She said unless it can be established that Kissi Agyebeng violated procurement laws despite being tasked with ensuring compliance of same, there won’t be a case against him.

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