List of Taxes Ghanaians pay as leaders' live like Arabian Kings - Kofi Bentil » Awake News
Home Business List of Taxes Ghanaians pay as leaders’ live like Arabian Kings – Kofi Bentil

List of Taxes Ghanaians pay as leaders’ live like Arabian Kings – Kofi Bentil

by Efo Korsi Senyo | Executive Editor
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Private legal practitioner, Kofi Bentil had taken to his social media page to catalogue the Taxes Ghanaians pay.

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Kofi Bentil said “If anyone tells you Ghanaians don’t pay taxes
Stare them down and ask if they know all these taxes that Ghanaians pay!!!
And ask them How our leaders are able to live like Arabian kings!!!”

See the list of the taxes:

Sales taxes – you pay when you buy
1. Tax Stamps: the small stickers on beverages
2. Communication Service Tax aka CST
3. Petroleum Levies
4. VAT Standard Rate – 12.5%
5. VAT NHIL – 2.5%
6. VAT Flat Rate – 3%
7. VAT GETFund – 2.5%

B. Income Taxes – paid on income and profit
1. Corporate Income Tax for businesses
2. Pay As You Earn (PAYE) for individuals
3. Rent Income Tax for landlords
4. Vehicle Income Tax for commercial drivers
5. Tax Stamp for chop bar owners, shop keepers, corner shops, food sellers
6. Capital Gain Tax for those who gain on the stock exchange.
7. Gift Tax

C. Other Taxes
1. Import Duty on all imported items
2. Excise Tax. On factories
3. Stamp Duty for legal documents, land registration, registration of collatral etc

And some more.
. tourism levy . You’re taxed for eating.
. Environmental Excise Tax
. Sanitation and Pollution Levy
. covid tax.
. EDIF Levy,
. Ecowas levy
. GIIF levy

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