On my 35th birthday, I shared part of my life story with you and promised to share more of where I came from, where I have been to and where I think I am going.
Since that write-up, I have received many calls and WhatsApp messages from those I know and those I never met before and the remark is very incredible.
Some people say, to what extent will someone like to take his life and what for…why are you mad? The answer is very simple, it is a state of mind where you and or you are made to fill life is no more meaningful and valuable but death is! Let me just pause here and share just some few portions of how I Failed the third attempt.
Yes, it was a one memorable evening at University Hall (Katanga) in 2005. That evening was almost the second week I had not eaten any food but only salt and sugar solution. I had also received some “words” from the only friend in the University that supports me with food. His words were as a result of me letting him know that I was too hungry and don’t know what to do.
His words pierced my heart so much that I concluded life in that university is no more meaningful. The sad aspects of it all were that I was in exile in that university. I can not return home or have no one home to call for help. It was 3 months after I was helped by a Police Command at Odumase Krobo police station to escape… My mom was also ill and I don’t even know how to reach her… I had no mobile phone and she has none too.
So there was no hope…. exams was fast approaching. We were just ending our mid-sem exams. I knew I learnt nothing to go and write the exam paper because I could not buy even a single hand out or do any photocopy. I knew I was going to fail that first-year first semester exams and I will definitely catch the web of that wicked sacking of non-academic performing students policy by the university without even finding out the cause of their failures.
So, no hope…. no life…. Katanga that evening I think was the hell they have been talking about. I went to always around while my colleague Fellow charged with their full strength……
Many thoughts were coming into my mind but had no one to talk to…..so finally I started a journey to the last floor of the hall’s Annex- the 8th floor of the store building.
I just decided to end it, so I wanted to jump………I almost dumped.
All of a sudden, I heard a voice in my mind called me by my a name “Efo Emma”. It was the voice of my kid brother.
What was the message? “Efo Emma, now that our father ^Efo^ is no more, you are now our father”…… this message is what revived my spirit and I came back to my senses hence failing my 3rd attempt.
That message was from my younger brother to me in January 2001 about a month after the sudden demise of our father.
From that message, I noticed that my little kid which was just 4years and some months then had a lot of hope in me.
Anytime you have many many million reasons why you must give up, just find that one reason why you must not!
Listen to people no matter how stupid you think they are or the stupidity they are vomiting….
To be continued