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Government deploys drones to monitor floods and sanitation


The Minister of Local Government and Decentralization, O.B Amoah and GARID Project Coordinator, Dr Kwadwo Ohene Sarfo distributed drones to Metropolitan and Municipal Assemblies for flood and sanitation monitoring.

During the presentation, the Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development Project Coordinator, Dr Kwadwo Ohene Sarfo, said the drones would significantly support the Assemblies’ oversight functions.

He said “…drones are supposed to support the Assembly” to monitor the “waste hotspots” in their areas. Adding that that “oversight functions of the assembly are what the drone is supposed to help with.” He warned that the drones are “expensive” and not the regular drones seen at social events like weddings.

Dr Ohene Sarfo warned the assemblies against misuse, urging them to now “allow staff, appointees, friends and whoever to utilise the drones for these kinds of social events.”

Dean of the MMDCEs, George Cyril Bray flagged citizens as a major contributor to flooding but said it was difficult to identify culprits. He said the Assemblies can’t be at all places but the drone can help detect people dumping rubbish in unauthorized places during rains so the law can deal with them.

The Ga West Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Clement Wilkinson said he wished the money was used to work on drains the Municipal Assemblies. He, however, added that they are okay since the decision has already been made.

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