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Ghana Health Service issues red alert over Ebola outbreak


The Ghana Health Service has issued a letter of notice to all regional directors and chief executive officers of the teaching hospitals to on the alert about the outbreak of Ebola in West African.

As a result of the seven (7) confirmed cases of Ebola on 14th, February 2021 in Guinea and the subsequent three (3) death cases, Director General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye in a letter to all the health facilities, charged them to prepare and initiate response plans for the Ebola virus. Dr. Patrick said, from henceforth, all regional and district Public Health Emergency Management Committees should include EVD on their agenda.

All the regions, districts, health facilities, port health units at all border posts particularly along the Western border and all landing beaches are to heighten surveillance for EVD using the standard case definition.

“We are to take note and remind the general public that under no circumstance should public or private transport be used in transporting suspected EVD cases. They are to call for support from the District Director of Health Services of respective Districts, Municipalities or Metropolis in the transfer of such persons to a health facility” he said.

Filed By : Agaatorne Douglas Asaah /

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