Nana Yaa Bae – Super model
Every woman dreams is to become super-hot for people to around her or to become the hottest cake among her peers. This has made many Ghanaian ladies improve their way of living when fashion is concern.
[ads1]Last week, on the most listened educational show in Ghana – EDUTAINMENT SHOW hosted by Dj Alberto De1 interviewed Nana Yaa Bae about herself and what she want to achieved in the showbiz and her main aim of entering into modeling.
The 22-years Edna AnimahAnkamah – ‘Nana Yaa Bae’ who is a final year student of Presbyterian College of Education – Akropong Akuapem and also the 1st Runner Up for Face Of Presbyterian College of Education 2016/2017 academic year and 1st Runner Up for Face of Eastern and Greater Accra sector 2017/2018.
Nana Yaa Bae who came from a family of five [5] and her been the only lady and the eldest daughter among four [4] guys disclosed her aim in the showbiz.
She said;
“I want to use my modeling to educate our dear ladies on expectation of a every woman”
Nana Yaa Bae who loves to smile a lot was asked why she always shows her teeth. She replies ‘’ I love to smile a lot because it keeps me glowing and I also love to see everyone around me happy.
She stated that she is under the management of Ellis Ferdinand so any agency who wants to book for show host, fashion outlet, music videos, show cover up can link up via her pages on all social media @Nana Yaa Bae.
Source: DJ Alberto Del 1