Awake News

#FixTheCountry social media protest over Akufo-Addo’s poor governance gathers momentum

President Akufo-Addo

Social media users in Ghana have been protesting poor governance and hardship in the country with the hashtag #FixTheCountry.

Some of the topical issues on the agenda are the erratic power supply popularly known in the local parlance ‘dumsor’, poor roads, corruption, increase in fuel and LPG prices, with water crisis hitting some parts of the country whilst illegal mining, locally referred to as ‘galamsey‘ among others.

Since it started about a few hours ago, the campaign has hit No.1 trend on Twitter in Ghana.

Some celebrities and political figures have also joined the campaign to add their voices:

Actress Efia Odo said “I’m so happy that the youth of this nation are finally tired of the bad governance and are deciding to speak against it. #FixTheCountry Will not just end on Twitter. We shall lead a protest and show our leaders that enough is enough“.

NDC’s Deputy Youth Organizer also tweeted:

“You vote for one party to govern you & after 5 yrs blame another party for the MESS we find ourselves in. Akufo-Addo has failed, call him out & stop blaming all parties. You don’t pay your taxes to any opposition party. Be Bold in Calling out this MESS of a govt. #FixTheCountry”

Former TV Presenter Bridget Otoo had her say:

It’s not Chale, they can see and feel the anger that’s building #FixTheCountry

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