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Dr. Lawrence writes: Aisha Huang and Matters Arising

It looks like the issue with Aisha Huang, the Chinese galamsey Queen, is not going away anytime soon, because the government of Nana Akufo-Addo, doesn’t seem to know how to communicate to Ghanaians why they took the decision of deporting her to China.

At a town hall meeting in Washington DC, Solomon Owusu of Denver Colorado, a former Branch Dep. Secretary, asked the Senior Minister, Yaw Osafo-Marfo, why the government deported Aisha Huang and not imprisoned her. The Senior Minister responded that there was no need to have imprisoned her because Ghana and China has a good relationship. He added that Syna hydro of China was going to give Ghana $2 Billion to build infrastructure and that there are other things behind the scenes that he shouldn’t say in public. What the Senior Minister was trying to say was deporting Aisha Huang was a good thing and it benefited the good people of Ghana.

Now on September 20, 2019, in New Jersey, this same Solomon Owusu from Denver, Colorado asked the President, Nana Akufo-Addo, the same question but this time, he got a different answer. The President told the world that deporting Aisha Huang, the Chinese Lady, was a mistake. These two answers are completely different, coming from two top members but in the same government.

Ghanaians, why has the reason behind the deportation of Aisha changed? Is it because the President was misled again? Has the Chinese done a 419 to our government and are holding onto the $2 billion? Did the Senior Minister lie? Was there a plan in place to deport Aisha that the President didn’t know about it? Who was behind the deportation of Aisha? Why has the deportation of Aisha suddenly become a mistake, when a year ago, the Senior Minister was defending it as a good thing for the people of Ghana?

Look, I don’t care about the two different answers from the same government. What I am worried about is the incompetence, inconsistency, lack of planning, lack of foresight and lack of thinking by this Nana Addo’s government since they took office in January, 2017. Take for instance, what is happening in the education sector, security, the financial sector, economy, (corruption and unemployment) health sector and other sectors of the country. Everything is like Ghana is without any leadership and thinkers.

Now in Ghana, with the least provocation, anybody can slap you and the person will go free. Some Ghanaians have become better than others. Do you know that this Solomon Owusu, an NPP member, in Denver, Colorado was prevented from seeing his President for the second time in New Jersey? I don’t know but if you are thinking of voting for Nana Addo and the NPP in 2020, think again. They are the most dangerous, autocratic, corrupt, insensitive and uncompromising government in Ghana since independence. If you don’t believe me, ask Solomon Owusu, the guy from Denver, Colorado.
The writer is the Founder of the Diaspora Progressive Movement in USA.

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