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Demolition at Gomoa Budumburam kills pregnant woman

demolished homes at Gomoa Budumburam

A mass demolition exercise at Gomoa Budumburam has left thousands homeless since the exercise started a month ago. The latest rounds of demolition led by the Gomoa Fetteh traditional authorities have cost a pregnant woman her life.

According to residents, the exercise commenced about a month ago following the return of the Gomoa Budumburam lands to the Gomoa Fetteh traditional leaders. Despite the exercise rendering thousands homeless, the residents said they have not received any support or communication from the government.

While other co-tenants were outside, no one realized Serwaa hadn’t moved out. Eyewitnesses said she was sleeping inside at the time when the demolition continued at her house.

Following the incident, Serwaa was rushed to St. Gregory Hospital for treatment but she unfortunately passed. We cannot at the moment confirm if her unborn baby was saved, but her 2-year-old son, who was also affected, is fighting for his life at the same facility.

“The machine has been demolishing our buildings for over a month now. We are surprised at how the traditional authority in Gomoa Fetteh is embarking on the demolition. Interestingly, no government official has said anything about the act,’ Gifty Ankrah, an eyewitness, told Citi News.
“Women and children have slept outside for over a month since the demolition started. So far, over five thousand citizens and Liberian refugees have been rendered homeless, including women and children,” Gifty Ankrah lamented.
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