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CODEO Preliminary Findings On Observation Of The December 27, 2018 Referendum

Introduction On Thursday, December 27, 2018, the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) deployed fifty (50) observers to various districts and constituencies in selected regions within which the referendum on the proposed creation of additional regions was taking place. CODEO observers visited an average of four (4) polling stations within their assigned districts in the course of the polling exercise. Observers spent between an hour and two hours at each polling station visited. Overall, the referendum took place in a calm and peaceful electoral environment. However, a number of electoral anomalies were recorded by CODEO Observers during the observation exercise. These anomalies raise serious questions about the integrity and credibility of the polling process in the observed polling stations.

Summary of Findings Below are key findings from CODEO’s observation:


Below are some of the polling stations where such high turn-out figures were observed at the end of voting:

Name of Polling Station District/Constituency Region Turn-out Rate SDA Primary School, Jasikan Jasikan Volta 99.7% CMB Shed ‘A’, Asawinso Sefwi Wiawso Western 99.3% Adankpa Palace, Adankpa Krachi West Volta 99.3% PPAG Office Techiman South Brong Ahafo 98% Naseiya Prim Sch, Salaga East Gonja Northern 97%

CODEO also noted similar patterns of extremely high voter turn-out figures from the official constituency collated results, including up to 98.5% voter turn-out at some constituencies. These include Salaga South, (96%), Nkoranza North (97%), Jasikan (97%), and Krachi West (98.5%). A lot more constituencies had turn-out figures of more than 90%.

Below are some examples of polling stations where such high numbers of manual verification were observed: Name of Polling Station Region Total Valid Votes Cast Total of Manual Verification Percentage of Voters ManuallyVerified R/C JHS, Dambai, Krachi East Volta 710 415 58% PPAG Office, Techiman, Techiman South Brong Ahafo 439 241 55% SDA Prim School, Jasikan Volta 311 163 52%
CMB Shed ‘A’, Asawinso, Sefwi Wiawso
Western 703 364 52% Naseiya Primary, Salaga, East Gonja
Northern 433 208 48%
SDA Primary, Nkonya Nchumuru, Biakoye
Volta 437 202 46%
Ampoma L/A JHS, Kintampo South
Brong Ahafo 277 153 36%

At other polling stations, however, the percentage of voters manually-verified ranged from as low as 0% to 5%. Other Matters  CODEO has taken notice of a number of videos circulating on social media platforms showing possible infractions of the electoral rules of the country. Although CODEO is unable to verify the location of the alleged infractions or the authenticity of the videos, CODEO strongly urges the EC and the Police Service to take an interest in these videos and conduct their own investigations to protect the integrity of the process.

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